
2013-01-06 7:58 am

回答 (4)

2013-01-06 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

= divine power
= devine power

I think you should use the latter. The former is reserved for priests and their bosses.

2013-01-06 06:46:21 補充:
Oh my! "the Almighty" = God
Please do not disturb him and give him some freedom...

2013-01-06 08:59:37 補充:
The All Mighty = God.

So, I think it should be avoided as well.

2013-01-07 01:13:44 補充:
Wow! What happened? What a popular post!
2013-01-09 11:24 am
"Almighty" is the name Abraham addressed his God. Therefore, traditionally, "Almighty" (with cap A) is reserved for the Hebrew (and Christian) God.

2013-01-09 03:26:28 補充:
“法力無邊”的專門術語是omnipotent. 一般通俗的說法,可以用invincible.
2013-01-06 8:29 pm
本想參與回答, 沒想到版主那麼快就關閉了問題, 只好貼在這裡:
The Supreme Power
我心中所想的是, 只有無所不能的上帝或其影響力, 才配稱為「法力無邊」, 或許版主的小說主角正是上帝呢!

2013-01-06 12:43:15 補充:
英文沒有"devine"這樣的單字, 字典都指出它是從divine拼錯的字, 沒有字義, 只能用來作為專有名詞Devine, 適合人名或地名.
2013-01-06 11:23 am
The Almighty

如果是小說取名, 我覺得 The Almighty 滿聳動的

2013-01-06 03:24:52 補充:
Almighty 是指萬能的
參考: Myself, Myself

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