Serious cases of eye floaters?

2013-01-03 1:15 am
Someone I know has eye floaters, but recently one seems to have covered her iris, impairing her vision in one eye. Is this a more serious case of eye floaters? Or is this a common occurrence?

回答 (4)

2013-01-03 1:18 am
any sudden be evaluated asap. it can be a retnal.detachment spontaneous if no trauma to the eye. tell her to be evaluatedby an eye dr as soon as she canm
2016-03-05 3:27 am
Effective Eye Floaters Natural Treatment -
2014-09-14 2:55 am
Did you used Eye Floaters No More procedure. Proceed on this website : . Possibly this could clearly support anyone!
2013-01-03 11:39 am
generally speaking, eye floaters would not cause persistent visual loss
it can get more seriously as age by
however , in most cases , eye floaters suffers would not lose their vision
, though disturbance of vision could happen

find an eye doctor to check if there is any other ocular problems immediately

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