有關part-time degree問題.

2013-01-03 7:47 am
如果想讀有關advertising或media既part time degree, 除咗polyu - speed既Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts(應用及媒體藝術文學士)之外,會唔會仲有其他相關既part time degree可以選擇?

School of Design係咪淨係得BA (Hons) Art & Design in Education可以讀part time?

回答 (1)

2013-01-07 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實有好多人唔會Full time degree唔可以用part-time mode完成!你可以試吓申請Full time degree用part-time mode(大約三科一個學期)那你就多好多Choice

2013-01-12 04:18:01 補充:
即係我可以apply full time degree, 但申請以part time mode完成?

yes, because most full-time degree have two years grey area period for study(dependent major).For example: 4 years degree but you can finish in 6 years.

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