Alas, Industry cluster has been regarded as an important spatial pattern of industrial development, by the relevant survey data in order to understand the development scenario of the industry and the spatial distribution of the current situation and to explore a different amount of space measurement methods of use of the results on the manufacturing industry cluster, the Taiwan manufacturing industry as the research object. In the empirical part, divided into two phases conducted: the first stage, the GIS that manufacturing in the distribution of the different periods of the overall space; the second stage, use the Location Quotient, index of concentration, global spatial autocorrelation etc. spatial measurement method operational understanding of cluster status.
Cluster status and spatial distribution of the manufacturing sector in the northern, central and southern regions are slightly different from the analysis of the empirical data. Clustering and spatial distribution of the situation, mostly concentrated in the northern region, then in accordance with the continued central region, southern and eastern region due to the restrictions of the relevant conditions rather than backward development. Concentration results from the manufacturing indicators, a higher degree of concentration counties near metropolitan areas and industrial parks, and the gradual relocation to outlying areas.