請幫我解what kind 英文文法題?

2013-01-03 12:30 am
42 What kind of food--- their company produce?
is does have has
43 The construction company must pay to have archeologists--- the historical sites.
study studied studying to study
According to experts, sleep is like 46 . If you sleep only five hours a day, you don’t “get used to it,” but instead, build up a “sleep deficit.” “It’s like a credit card,” says Dr. Mass. “You are only 47 time. You always have to pay it back.” The more hours you don’t sleep, 48 you should sleep to “pay back” the hours on your “sleep credit card.”

47 lending using collecting borrowing

ans:d為什麼不能用a?怎分 ?

40 Wiliam, you----- for three hours already. It’s time you go out with some friends to relax.
are studying studied had studied have been studying

If you hear ringing in your ears or things sound muffled 47 listening, you’ve overdone it. Usually the problem subsides, but listening to loud music regularly, with any type of headset, could 48 permanent hearing loss. Recent research suggests limiting use to an hour or less per day at no more than 60% volume for over-the-ear styles-and even less for ear-buds. Never sleep with them on.
47 at since without after


回答 (1)

2013-01-12 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
What kind of food does their company produce?

produce是動詞 所以要用助動詞does 為首 變成問句


Their company produce this kind of food.



(The construction company) must (pay to) have archaeologists study the historical sites.


have let make 後的動詞為原型動詞



You are only borrowing time. You always have to pay it back.

borrow 是 "向別人借"

lend 是 "借給別人"

所以顯而易見 是用borrowing!


You have been studying for three hours already. It’s time you go out with some friends to relax.

have been ving
且他已經說了 for three hours already 所以根據句意是選D


If you hear ringing in your ears or things sound muffled after listening, you’ve overdone it.

如果你聽到鈴聲或是sth 聽起來低沉後,你會感到過度疲勞



其實英文很簡單 你要搞好每個句子 每個單字的關係就好了
參考: 我

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