Can Scottish keep their citizenship if Scotland really independence?

2013-01-01 5:55 am
Although the Scottish Independent Party has confirmed that Scottish Citizenship can keep their British citizenship after independence,but does the British government have make any confirmation on this?If not,what will the British government do,Deprive their British citizenship,its almost impossible to find out they live in Scotland's territory or not or just amend the law that wont allow dual citizenship anymore?

回答 (9)

2013-01-01 1:27 pm
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If the Scots no longer want to be part of the UK why should they be allowed to retain British citizenship?

A lot of premature promises were made which are slowly becoming unravelled such as the assumption that an independent Scotland would remain part of the EU - I would suggest you make a long & detailed list of questions about the implications of independence for Scotland & put them to your local parliamentary representative, if they can't answer those questions I wouldn't look to Yahoo for answers

edit: Andrew87, citizens of Commonwealth countries are NOT entitled to British citizenship or British passports so I suggest you re-think your argument

Northern Ireland is a completely different situation, the right of citizens born in Northern Ireland to both Irish & British citizenship is an anomaly that was tolerated but that doesn't mean it would be the same for Scotland & what remains of the UK - if Scotland decides to be independent a number of laws will need revising including nationality law
2013-01-01 10:04 pm
I think that is another of the SNP's lies. If Scotland gets independence why would Scots keep their British citizenship.
2013-01-01 8:01 am
who cares anyway whether we will be British or just Scottish ,this is the sort of stupid sideline questions the anti Independence crew led by the two fat ladies and their Darling are pumping out purely because they have absolutely nothing constructive to say
2013-01-01 11:50 am
When Scotland regains it's independence it will be a free Nation. At the present time many Scottish people do not consider themselves to be British. So much rubbish is been bandied around about Scotland. One fact is correct and that is, Scotland is a Proud Nation and deserves to take it's place among the Free Nations of the World.
2013-01-01 3:03 pm
How many Scots would want to keep their British passports.

Scots are better respected and better tolerated than others, for example -once you let people know you are Scottish in France their attitude changes

There is also the Irish dimension, let me give a hypothetical situation here
Plane is hijacked by 'death to America' nutters (from wherever)
They go through the passports of the people on the plane US and British are kept to one side, the rest - such as those from Ireland- are fodder for release during negotiations.

By making this statement I am in no way condoning these nutters, but you have to make a decision as a country- do you get involved in illegal wars with the US, or do you say "No, not in our name".
If you so the former you are not winning friends and influencing people, if you do the latter you are not a sheep and are making your own mind up.

I would rather have a Scottish passport and travel under that.
2013-01-01 2:59 pm
Nobody can give you a real answer here, but if we look at Northern Ireland who are part of the UK, they can get Irish citizenship if they wish as dual nationality I available there.

Also any citizen of the Commonwealth is entitled to British citizenship I'm sure so as Scotland isn't leaving the Commonwealth they would still be entitled to British citizenship if they wished.

Personally i would prefare dual nationality to be available in Scotland now, I have never considered myself British

@frogg - I think you'll find if you read it again I never stated anything as fact I offered similar situation in Northern Ireland to compare, didn't say it will or won't happen. Whatever you say here regarding this is a load of nonsense and you know it, as for the Commonwealth I never stated anything again, I clearly said I wasn't sure on that so how about you get of your high horse and actually read what was said instead of jumping to conclusions. The OP isn't going to get a straight answer here and you know it, simply because it hasn't been addressed yet, not that anybody who will be voting Yes actually cares
2013-01-01 10:52 pm
I find this question pointless seems to be an ongoing thing on here regarding this topic.

If Scotland join the EU British citizenship means nothing! Also when did the SNP confirm this? Not recently, the only time they mentioned it was in 2009 when a report was commissioned under nationality law of the UK. I don't know what the details of that where but there must be some substance to it maybe you should read that.

You've basically been influenced by unionist nonsense in the press most notably Ed Miliband who is the one drumming up this idiotic and desperate rhetoric , if this is their idea of a positive case for the union to remain it shows how out of touch they are with s Scotland as the majority of Scottish people would gladly rid themselves of British citizenship
2013-01-01 6:02 am
I would assume that all current Scottish citizens would be granted dual citizenship, then any new Scottish citizens following independence would have to apply for British citizenship. But yes The UK government would be the ones to make that decision, the SNP can't give any guarantee. Also, as for it being almost impossible to find out if people live in Scottish territory, it would be no different from countries like France and Spain which share a land border.
2014-03-25 9:28 am
I'mm English and live in Scotland. Id certainly want to retain my British citizenship. It's not just about Scottish nationals v the UK.....

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