A question for students who hate English/literature/reading classes?--any suggestions?

2012-12-31 10:49 pm
I LOVE these subjects. So, naturally, I am currently studying to teach English. Although I love the subject, I realize that there will be students that HATE this subject. My goal is to engage students that are not too keen on the subject. I realize that I won't be able to make them love English, just as I could never be made to love math. However, I do want to find a way to at least keep them somewhat engaged in what will be going on in class.

so my question is this:

To people who dislike reading and/or English, what kinds of things could your teachers have done to keep you engaged, even somewhat interested?

I was thinking about doing more activities that pertain to what we are learning. For example, when teaching my students how to identify themes within a piece of literature, we could read Romeo and Juliet and then I could split the class into 4 groups and assign each group an act in the play. each group would then look at their assigned act and try to find the theme of that act. Once that theme is found, they will construct a masquerade mask (like the ones that the characters in the play wore at the masquerade ball in the first act) and then theme their mask after the theme they found. so, if the theme that was found in their assigned act was LOVE then the group could decorate their masks with hearts and other things like that. Or if the theme that was found in their assigned act was DEATH than the group could decorate their masks with, i don't know, coffins or something (whatever they choose).

I was thinking activities along the lines of what I have mentioned would encourage the students to explore the literature on a deeper level and get them interacting hands on, because I know that many people aren't just auditory learners; they're also visual, tactile, etc...

does this sound like something that would engage students that are previously not too partial to this subject? ARE THERE ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE FOR ME? AS A STUDENT THAT DOESN'T LIKE THIS SUBJECT, WHAT KINDS OF THINGS WOULD ENGAGE YOU?

回答 (10)

2013-01-01 11:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
interesting question, I was one of those students, I was a math and science student in high school, taking AP Chem and studying Calc, the only reason these students take an english/lit/history class is because they have to to graduate. Your mask idea is nice, it's just I hate reading and shakespeare is hard to understand (seemed like a different language to me). Tell your students about spark notes, they're great, used them all the time in AP literature. It's a hard thing to get a student to do well, they have to want to, even if its just for the grade.

My science teacher a long time ago had a good idea. For each unit or chapter or whatever, he would handout one piece of paper with two sections on it. The piece of paper had a list of all the possible assignments a student could do for credit. The first section was "requirements". these were the assignments that were mandatory. The next section was a separate list of assignments called "supplements". Ex: completing all req and no supp=C grade, all req and 1 supp=B, all req and 2 supp=A etc.. I always thought that was an interesting idea. I think psychologically seeing a list like this and the potential for extra credit motivates any student to do the work. It also leaves options, maybe a student doesn't like group work, he can choose a different supplement.

People like talking about themselves generally. Maybe get them to compare/contrast a topic/theme to another and see how it relates to them or a subject they find interesting and ask their opinions etc....
2014-04-24 6:16 pm
I hate English and I always have.
The best thing any teacher could have done for me was to leave me alone , don't ask me to read anything aloud in class , don't ask me to give an opinion on something I don't care about , don't try and make me better at the subject (if I'm passing then leave me alone).
That's it basically.
參考: English classes.
2012-12-31 10:57 pm
I really like reading and writing, but I hated most of the English classes I've had to take. I just got through with one that I hated....hopefully it will be the last English class I ever have to take. Anyway, a few of the classes I took were good. Like your mask idea, I like that. I once had a class where we did creative things based on what we read, and it was a nice way of thinking independently about the literature. We did stuff like draw what characters looked like, memorize certain lines and recite them to everyone, and we worked in groups a lot and joined heads. It was fun. Not many teachers do that. Usually you are on your own, struggling, and once class is over you hate those works. It's sad. But the class I mentioned was nice. I still have good feelings about Macbeth and I answer questions about it all the time here, so I did learn. Good luck to you.
2013-01-01 12:33 am
Last year I loved English/language arts because of the teacher she have us a lot of work but was also really positive about it and made it easy for us by giving an outline and stuff like that and I learned a lot but this year the teacher I have is not enthusiastic and really boring and even though I want to learn its so hard when they just are not loud. This years teacher also piles on essays and doesn't help us and gives everyone an F at the beginning so we can improve. I learned very little this year and have a bad grade in that class. My advice is to be loud and actually care about the students it helps a lot when the teacher confronts you about how you're doing in a class
2017-02-28 2:45 pm
2017-02-25 7:25 pm
I Hate Literature
2016-10-04 4:07 pm
severe college is a popularity utilized in some aspects of the worldwide, and extremely in North u.s., to describe the final part of obligatory training. it is likewise suggested as secondary training. Secondary training is preceded by potential of commonplace training, frequently regularly occurring in North u.s. as uncomplicated training. severe college is likewise the call used to describe the enterprise wherein the superb point of obligatory training happens. In India, severe college is a grade of training from viii to x, frequently pupils from age 13 to fifteen learn in this. those colleges could be controlled by potential of nationwide boards like CBSE or state boards. training is obligatory till age 14. normally inner maximum faculties are the well-liked selection. the main important type of inner maximum faculties are below the DPS Society which has the two day colleges (which includes Rohini and abode colleges (which includes Pinjore) After failing in 10th you're able to seek for the supplementary examination and reappear till you bypass. below no circumstances must you drop out of school.
2016-04-29 3:24 pm
If you intend to train your son or daughter easily how to learn then Children Learning Reading from here https://tr.im/7El5p can help you.
Children Learning Reading is created by short lessons, enough to carry the attention amount of a small kid but can also be efficient enough to show the kid to see — also at an extremely early age.
The program is situated around a concept named phonemes, which are (in very simple terms), the looks that produce up phrases we use within our daily language. This system seeks to show your son or daughter to see by first accumulating your child's ability to see and realize the phonemes which make up daily words. When your son or daughter can try this then they've all the equipment they should begin creating feeling of new phrases, which will subsequently make their examining abilities stronger and stronger.
2014-12-10 1:59 pm
Well seriously I'm not really that interested in literature or history. Maybe because I can't get the delight in it. But on the other hand I love Maths and Science. It isn't because the teachers are nice so u like that subject more. In fact it is important to keep or engage a passion in literature let say or history. I do always being scolded by my math teachers for several reasons like not cautious enough. But it didn't lost my passion in that subject. Every thing is the same. Try to help them to make literature as a friend or a reliable partner or even a lover. That u wanted to know it more in it. Apart from giving fun activities, u must let them find the soul in it. Just use your feeling and interest o literature to warmth their ice full of hatred and bored to literature.

Hope this explanation can help u
2014-09-18 8:42 am
As parents, you're the most important first step in your children's journey into the wonderful world of reading. It is up to you to create the most supportive environment that turns your child on to reading - such as reading aloud to them often during the day and before bedtime, and placing age appropriate books for children around the house, so that the child will have access to plenty of books. Reading often to your child will help develop their interest in books and stories, and soon they will want to read stories on their own.

For a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read visit this site: http://readingprogram.toptips.org


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