
2013-01-01 2:31 am
首先,我很榮幸能夠參加這次大學的面試。我看中了你們學校的其中一個專業, 那就是化工學院的化學工程專業。






回答 (3)

2013-01-01 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, I am very honoured to be able to attend the interview at the University of. I like your one of the professional schools, is the school of chemical engineering, chemical engineering.Here, let me introduce myself. My name is Liang Junwen. Is People's Republic of China Macau S.A.R. pooi to graduation. I have interest in chemistry a show since I was a kid, I saw some chemistry experiments, both strange and funny, a little moment of what could turn into a pile of black objects, since I got hooked on chemistry.Tianjin University is a national key universities directly under the Ministry of education, is the first modern University in China, is the "project 211" and "project 985" University of the first batch of key construction. Discipline featured sharp, and education quality and research level living in domestic first-class, and in international Shang has larger effect of high research type University, and level discipline national focus discipline 7 a, which a is chemical engineering, and chemical engineering and technology discipline and instrument science and technology discipline ranked national 1th, in addition has II level discipline national focus discipline 8 a, II level discipline national focus (cultivation) discipline 2 a. Therefore, I chose your school professional, because I think is a good University, Tianjin University, at the University of Macau does not have this type of professional, secondary school in mainland China, tuition fees are cheaper.
參考: 雅虎字典、我
2013-01-04 12:23 am
First of all, I’m very honored to be able to take part in today’s interview. My interest in the University lies within the Chemical Engineering department.

Please let me introduce myself breifly, My name is Leung Chun Man. I graduated from Pooi To Middle School in Macau. My interest in chemistry began at a young age when I saw a chemical experince on television. It fascinated me how a little piece of material could suddenly and magically transformed into a black solid mass. Ever since then, I fell in love with chemistry.

Tianjin University is the pioneer of higher education and the first modern university in China. It is also among the first group of universities to be included into the "211" and "985" Projects of national investment for developing world class universities. Each department is unique and its academic quality and research institutes are ranked the first within the country. It is an internationally renown research institute. Also, it offers seven national focused departments, one of which being chemical engineering. Within the department of chemical engineering , its facutly and reseach facilities are ranked first among other Universities throughout the country by the Ministry of Education. Tianjin University also has second-level national focus on 8 faculties, and 2 second-level national focus mentoring programmes. Due to the forementioned reasons, and the lack of such first-class institutions in Macau, I have chosen Tianjin University as my first choice. In comparision, the tuition fees for post-secondary institutions in Mainland China are more affordable than other locations and my lack of interest in the English subject made me look beyond the choices of post-secondary institutions in Macau.

(1 of 2)

2013-01-03 16:26:27 補充:
sorry, not enough space to write the remaining. email me if you would like the rest.

2013-01-04 14:26:35 補充:
唔夠位,如果想要埋下半,請 email 我
參考: Me, myself & I
2013-01-01 6:59 am
---The translation C/E---
(1)Discipline status line up in high ranking.
(2)It has also the second level discipline with national focus on 8 disciplines. It has another 2nd level discipline with national focus(learning)on 2 disciplines.
(3)The tuition fees are cheaper to learn at Secondary School in Mainland China.This idea does not fit in the essay?!

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