
2012-12-31 9:06 pm
Main Characters:???????????????????

This story is about...................................................................................(簡簡單單寫一小段)
I think this story is.......It is beacause...........(例子:really touching,amusing,amazing,interesting........)(一句就好)
I have learnt...........................................................................(一句就好)

回答 (2)

2012-12-31 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Title: The Lost
Author: Alex Shearer
Main Characters: Joseph Langley, Jonah Byford, Anna

This story is about the adventurous and mysterious process of Joseph finding his best friend Jonah after Jonah chased after a fire engine with curiosity. Inside the book, the twist happened when Joseph met a pretty woman named Anna, at the beginning Joseph called her as his friend. However he started to realize that she was a bit weird and eventually knew that she was sane and locked up Jonah for two years, as she thought that Jonah was her dead son.
I think this story is mysterious as it looks like a detective story, there's some clues in the content that might let you know the result.
I have learnt many vocabularies in this book, they are all very practical and useful.
參考: the lost by alex shearer
2012-12-31 10:33 pm
1 title: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2 author: Roald Dahl
3 no of pages:155
4 summary: Charlie who lives in extreme poverty with his extended family, and his adventures inside the chocolate factory of Willy Wonka, who opened the largest chocolate factory in the world, but 15 years before, spies stole his recipes, so he eventually closed the factory to the public, and decided to allow five children to visit the factory
5 comments: I love this book very much, because it portrays the five children in the most lively way. They have different characters, and make friends with each other. Although they have different background, some are rich, some are poor, some are brave, some are coward. They do not know the secret hidden behind is that Willy Wonka is looking for a good person to take over the factory, it is an exciting plot. As a result, they do not compete with each other, just treat the trip as a real usual trip without any intentions. I highly recommend this book to my friends.
6 the character I like: Charlie is an honest and humble child, he has a dream, but never does something wrong, therefore, he defeats everything and before the successor of the Chocolate Factory.
參考: me

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