Happy New Year 2013 !?

2012-12-31 7:02 am
The world did not end on 21st Dec but the year 2012 is ending today. It will be 2013 from tomorrow onwards. Other than change in the numerical in a calender what difference will it be having in our lives ?

回答 (12)

2012-12-31 7:35 am
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What is important is not to wait for the year to bring about changes for us and work for making our own changes through value directed intent..... life is meaningless without changes and changes are meaningless without intent and intents are meaningless without value based direction.

Wish you a very happy New Year!!
2013-01-01 5:08 pm
Thanks and same to you.
2013-01-01 1:02 pm
none - my actions and words define who i am - happy new year...
2013-01-01 1:19 am
no numerical difference except for the tax increase
2013-01-01 12:23 am
Wishing you ALL a good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always.

Hope Year 2013be not about changing the Dates but Direction; not about actions but attitude in our life
2012-12-31 9:59 pm
The world stands at the verge of an impending Armageddon.... and only one thing can change it and bring it back to its long lost peaceful and serene self.... and that's restitution of women with empowerment.
.... else, its DOOMSDAY for planet earth!
Anyways.. Happy New Year 2013 to all.... : )
2012-12-31 5:38 pm
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" said Mahatma Gandhi.
Let each one us take a resolution to follow this advice of this great man, to see India change for the better in 2013.
2012-12-31 4:42 pm
cost of living will increase
2012-12-31 3:36 pm
Circumstantial changes will be there but our option should be to do better to others, help others and try to live for others and siciety, Thanks.
參考: ever feel
2012-12-31 3:20 pm
I would love to the see the faces of the lunatics who had established a "UFO" landing zones at the top of a mountain or the people who quitted their jobs. Don't worry, next year we might have some Aztec end of the world prophecies. Anyways, people may argue that the New Year doesn't bring significant changes while others will say that the New Year is a fresh start for everyone. It depends on your ideology towards the New Year, I think everything is psychological.
2012-12-31 3:06 pm
No differance in 2013. Everything will go on as always. Some new movies, devices and stuff will be made but nothing much will happen.
2012-12-31 3:04 pm
We pay more taxes

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