Write √45 in the form of k√5, where k is an integer?

2012-12-30 2:51 pm
can i also have a explanation so i can work out similar questions

回答 (2)

2012-12-30 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
√45= 3√5

√45 can be broken up into √9*√5. If you ignorr the square root sign for now, youll see that 9*5=45. Then by looking at the square roots individually, √9 is 3 (3*3=9). √5 cannot be simplified further. Therefore 3√5 is the answer.
2012-12-30 10:53 pm
= √(9 * 5)
= √(3^2 * 5)
= √(3^2) * √5
= 3√5

Therefore, k = 3.

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