Someone worry about if UK leave EU?

2012-12-30 9:07 am
Generally,I support UK leave EU to airetain its control of the country.But,I worry that if we will no longer able to work or live in EU countries freely if UK leave EU because we will immediately lose of EU citizenship.Could someone or government confirm this kind of information once Britn really leave EU?

回答 (8)

2012-12-30 9:24 am
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The EU is a disaster, sooner we're out the better.

Why would you want to live anywhere else but the UK. Greatest country in the world this, and don't you forget it!
2012-12-30 11:32 am
Yes, Europeans will lose their right to come here, steal our jobs, sponge off our NHS, draw welfare for their kids that never even stepped foot here.... You will be entitled to work and to pay taxes in the UK with the assurance that some Bulgarian or Romanian wont be nicking your job after 2015, and lengthening the knee or hip operation queue down at your local hospital even more. You will obviously have the right to apply for citizenship in any remaining EU country you like. It's up to that EU country if it decides to then let you stay or not. That's how things used to be. It didn't cause any major problems then, it wont do now either.
2012-12-30 9:50 am
On the other side this means we can expel millions of immigrants and get our country back.
2016-10-04 2:58 pm
professional: we are all on my own, we are able to do notwithstanding we desire. we could even initiate a partnership with the US and be taken care of and respected as an equivalent by potential of our cousins. Cons: We nevertheless have maximum of our industry interior the palms of foreigners. we will not have any say on the ecu coverage, our best paying for and merchandising important different we are able to lose lots of reward, like the spectacular to return and forth everywhere interior the ecu devoid of visa, retirement to Spain in a affordable yet very effective place, affordable Italian and French wines and the now ubiquitous tapas bars in purely approximately each city and city in Britain, ecu capital investment in Britain's poorest areas, a say on the table of such events as Davos. We additionally won't have the protection of the main important commercial capacity interior the worldwide if somebody tries to... ahem... stiff us. we are able to go away the worldwide's best inner paying for and merchandising industry, commerce and tariff barriers will arise, to the satisfaction of our industry and our banking gadget. With adequate barriers up the banking and finance industry will go through as foreign places debts will circulate to a ecu economic hub, perhaps Frankfurt.
2012-12-30 9:38 am
no eu country has ever refused someone to live in their country long before the eu was set up providing you went about it the correct way i moved to spain in the early six-tees and set up a business so dnt worry on that front england is going to recover and i will tell you why china has had a booming year on exporting chinese goods but just like throwing a ball at a brick wall it is going to bounce back in their faces their goods are greatly inferior to british goods their clothes fall apart at the seems because of rotting cotton very inferior their goods are cheap and do not last and people now realise that you get what you pay for britain led the world on british made goods because of their high standard of manufacturing made in england meant something very good and it is going to come back people are fed up with buying crap so just watch this wise the people of britain are fed up being told what we can do and what we can not do we have the skills we also have the technology we also have the finest universities in the world so bring it on buddy we are ready ok.
2012-12-30 9:17 am
You've nothing to worry about. Your PM has already rejected it even though I think he did suggest the possibility of a future ref. Some times, talk is just talk. Don't get so worked up about it. It's not gonna happen.
2012-12-30 12:01 pm
the fact that this country is NOT a member of the EU , it is/was a member of the EEC that was ratified by referendum in the 1970s although there is a considerable element of doubt over the given result (the result declared was overwhelmingly in favour of joining but as far as can be ascertained the result declared was a LIE) as for the EU the signing of the LISBON treaty is NULL and VOID as the people of the UK have not ratified it by referendum ( article 1 of the UN treaty where a people have the right to decide their destiny)
2012-12-30 9:09 am
Oh no does this mean oil will not be purchased in the Euros Oh dang

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