20點再另外加點!! 拜託!! 大家可以幫我翻譯做英文嗎??

2012-12-30 4:31 pm
拜託!! 拜託!!

(FA=Flight Attendant)


3. 你覺得怎樣才是一個好的FA?
我認為一個好的FA首先一定要盡責,即使幾累都要提起精神維持機艙安全,能夠冷靜、細心地與其他同事有默契地處理所有突發事件,例如 醉酒或發生爭執的乘客。一個好的FA即使幾累都要提起精神面對乘客,耐心聆聽乘客既各種要求,因為FA係最前線既工作,亦係代表著航空公司的形象。

4. 為何選擇投考貴公司而不是其他航空公司?
因為貴公司每星期有數百班的航次,機隊及通航城市(航點) 均有百多個,另外貴公司亦加入左航空聯盟(Airline Alliance) ─ 寰宇一家(One World),進一步加強左航空網絡,所以能夠成為 香港最大甚至全球最好航空公司的FA,絕對係我既榮幸。

5. 如果你成為FA,而主要服務短程/內地行線,你會介意嗎?

6. 如果機上有兩位乘客爭執,你會怎樣處理?

7. 如果成功獲聘你的目標會是什麼? 如果面試失敗你的計劃又是什麼?

8. 你現在及過去的工作經驗會怎樣幫助FA的工作?

9. 你的優點/缺點是什麼?

10. 你現在的薪金是$XXXXX,你能接受在受訓時較低的薪金嗎?

回答 (9)

2012-12-30 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why want to be a FA?
I understand that to the FA job d not even simple to maintain cabin safety and deal with guests both the requirements of work, having regard to the flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more same day return only happens, so need physical than the general work, but I am confident that I can afford, I mainly work also customer service, I feel able guests feel safe, happy, I really only service I have a big satisfaction. Machine on both passengers, mostly business trips and tourism-based, Drainage whole trip of only the first impression and the end of it for them by the FA with. If I was a passenger, I would hope that the Department of a Han tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable and safe, which will also allow drainage to leave a good impression, next time chosen to take this airline.
3 What do you think is a good FA?
In my opinion a good FA first must be conscientious, even if a few tired have to bring the spirit of maintaining cabin safety, calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA must bring the spirit to face the passengers, passengers listening patiently to both requirements of even a few tired, because the FA the forefront of both work and will also represent the image of the airline.
Why applying for your company, rather than the other airlines?
Because your company every week there are hundreds of classes voyage, the fleet and navigable cities (waypoints) are more than one hundred, In addition, the Company has also joined left airline alliance (Airline Alliance) ─ Universe one (One World), to further strengthen the left aviation network, it is possible to become the largest in Hong Kong and even the world's best airlines FA Department I absolutely honored.

2012-12-30 11:44:49 補充:
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2012-12-31 11:18 pm
FA = Flight Attendant)

Why want to be a FA?
I understand that to the FA job d not even simple to maintain cabin safety and deal with guests both the requirements of work, having regard to the flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more same day return only happens, so need physical than the general work, but I am confident that I can afford, I mainly work also customer service, I feel able guests feel safe, happy, I really only service I have a big satisfaction. Machine on both passengers, mostly business trips and tourism-based, Drainage whole trip of only the first impression and the end of it for them by the FA with. If I was a passenger, I would hope that the Department of a Han tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable and safe, which will also allow drainage to leave a good impression, next time chosen to take this airline.

3 What do you think is a good FA?
In my opinion a good FA first must be conscientious, even if a few tired have to bring the spirit of maintaining cabin safety, calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA must bring the spirit to face the passengers, passengers listening patiently to both requirements of even a few tired, because the FA the forefront of both work and will also represent the image of the airline.

Why applying for your company, rather than the other airlines?
Because your company every week there are hundreds of classes voyage, the fleet and navigable cities (waypoints) are more than one hundred, In addition, the Company has also joined left airline alliance (Airline Alliance) ─ Universe one (One World), to further strengthen the left aviation network, it is possible to become the largest in Hong Kong and even the world's best airlines FA Department I absolutely honored.

If you become FA, mainly short-haul services / Mainland (southbound), you will not mind this?
2012-12-31 10:56 pm
先不談你要求translate這問題 – 因為假如你連直接用英文也不懂表達(講/寫),無論你內容寫得多好也是騙人的。 回應2: 為何我要信你「有信心」應付得到「體力比一般工作大」…要答得好應該要提供證據。後半部客戶服務的內容較合理,但似抄航空公司的廣告,不像從FA的個人立場說明。用詞要簡單但到題(你原意太多故事情節了)…I feel good when I see people smile, so I think I will feel very successful when I see hundreds of happy faces after a flight because of my service.甚至坦白一點I like to travel and visit many places and meet people of different ethnicity. Being a FA is an ideal job as my dream.
回應3: 你問我好FA的第一守則是能夠自我約束守紀律的性格-Discipline…(這是給你參考的意見)
回應4:Sorry!你還未注資本公司成為股東,亦未是管理層主理訂購機隊和編制,你現時見到的公司狀況是前人建立的成果,你的榮幸感並不會給公司帶來任何幫助。我的問題其實是你有何條件來服務本公司而不被其他航空公司搶去。I am very impressed by your company’s integrity in training and educating your FA throughout their career. Your company is the only one in the market I want to become one of the “trainer” as my career goal.
回應8:等於沒有回答…分析的話是「一點工作經驗的實用得著也沒有…」。唔知係咪等於「這份工其實跟上一份工shared responsibilities一樣嗻。」
回應9:缺點變優點不是這般表達的。如果你真係你話咁肯學習又聽取意見(不單單是聽而是修正自己的不足)便已經會是更好的一個人而不會很多方面都不夠別人好啦(應該點出你比一般人好的方面)。你的表達次序明顯表示你仍是介懷於學歷和有點自卑感重,然而這些不是缺點,世上沒有人能讀哂所有學位或任何一方面都比某些人好,你的開場白在一個精明的面試者的眼中你潛意識的意思是,我就是世界上任何一個人的缺點亦就是我的優點…等同想學美容的我係一個皮膚不好的女生是我的缺點因此是我入行的優點…行嗎?你真要請教吓有學識的人如何把自己的學識優點或性格缺點講成不是讓人來比較的優點或缺點,而是化為工作需要的技能。你的回答明顯你有少少學識(理念),但你的知性(理解cognitive)流於是框架principle,未能應用於實際交流效用application和不太懂看對象的眉頭眼額communication,這是閣下的缺點;優點是勇於表達expressive和讓你愛憐being likable.

參考: 請恕未有依你所求譯文...可pm小弟留言再相助。
2012-12-31 2:40 am
FA=Flight Attendant )2 why do want to be FA?I understand that FA job D is not easy, to maintain cabin safety and handling guest both requirements, work time will be flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more day-trip can happen, so the need for physical than general work, but I have the confidence I can cope with in addition, I work in customer service, I feel able to guests from I sincerely serves both feel safe, happy, I would have great satisfaction. Plus machine both passengers, mostly on business and tourism, their whole journey already first impressions and end by the band FA than they. If I were a passenger, I would hope that a very tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable, safe, which may make them a good impression, the next re-election by this airline.3 what do you think is a good FA?I think a good FA must first be responsible, even if the few have to bring the spirit to maintain cabin safety, can calm, careful and colleagues have tacit agreement to handle all emergencies, such as drunk or dispute the passengers. A good FA even have to lift the spirit in the face of passengers, passengers can listen to various requirements, because FA is the most front-line work, but also represents the image of airline company.4 why to choose for your company rather than other airlines?Because your company has hundreds of classes each week voyage, fleet and navigable city ( waypoints) has more than 100, another company also joined the left Alliance ( Airline Alliance ) - oneworld ( One World ), to further strengthen the left aviation network, and so to be able to become Hongkong's largest and best global airline FA, absolute is my pleasure.5 if you become FA, and the main service short \ / Mainland line, would you min
2012-12-31 2:29 am
Why want to be a FA?
I understand that to the FA job d not even simple to maintain cabin safety and deal with guests both the requirements of work, having regard to the flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more same day return only happens, so need physical than the general work, but I am confident that I can afford, I mainly work also customer service, I feel able guests feel safe, happy, I really only service I have a big satisfaction. Machine on both passengers, mostly business trips and tourism-based, Drainage whole trip of only the first impression and the end of it for them by the FA with. If I was a passenger, I would hope that the Department of a Han tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable and safe, which will also allow drainage to leave a good impression, next time chosen to take this airline.
3 What do you think is a good FA?
In my opinion a good FA first must be conscientious, even if a few tired have to bring the spirit of maintaining cabin safety, calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA must bring the spirit to face the passengers, passengers listening patiently to both requirements of even a few tired, because the FA the forefront of both work and will also represent the image of the airline.
Why applying for your company, rather than the other airlines?
Because your company every week there are hundreds of classes voyage, the fleet and navigable cities (waypoints) are more than one hundred, In addition, the Company has also joined left airline alliance (Airline Alliance) ─ Universe one (One World), to further strengthen the left aviation network, it is possible to become the largest in Hong Kong and even the world's best airlines FA Department I absolutely honored.

2012-12-30 18:33:48 補充:
參考: , 自己
2012-12-31 12:51 am
Why want to be a FA?
I understand that to the FA job d not even simple to maintain cabin safety and deal with guests both the requirements of work, having regard to the flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more same day return only happens, so need physical than the general work, but I am confident that I can afford, I mainly work also customer service, I feel able guests feel safe, happy, I really only service I have a big satisfaction. Machine on both passengers, mostly business trips and tourism-based, Drainage whole trip of only the first impression and the end of it for them by the FA with. If I was a passenger, I would hope that the Department of a Han tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable and safe, which will also allow drainage to leave a good impression, next time chosen to take this airline.

3 What do you think is a good FA?
In my opinion a good FA first must be conscientious, even if a few tired have to bring the spirit of maintaining cabin safety, calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA must bring the spirit to face the passengers, passengers listening patiently to both requirements of even a few tired, because the FA the forefront of both work and will also represent the image of the airline.

2012-12-30 16:51:42 補充:
Why applying for your company, rather than the other airlines?
Because your company every week there are hundreds of classes voyage, the fleet and navigable cities (waypoints) are more than one hundred, In addition, the Company has also joined left airline alliance (Airline Alliance) ─ Universe one
2012-12-30 11:40 pm
2. Why does want to be FA?I understand to FA does copies work a d are well simple, to maintained cabin security and the processing guests both various requirements, work of time will due to should flights or weather situation and extended or adjustment, more has now back and forth both situation occurred, so needs of physical also than general work large, but I has confidence I to meet are, also I zhiqian both work also to customer service mainly, I think to guests from I really both service is security, and happy, I will has good large meet sense. With both passengers on, mostly on business and tourism, they first impression of the entire trip and ends by the FA with than they. If my passenger, I want a easy tiring voyage into the surface can both feel comfortable, safe, so they make a good impression, the next time you take this airline.3. What do you think is a good FA?I think a good FA first must be responsible, even if few are tired to pick up maintenance of engine room security, be calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA even if a few are tired to pick up passengers, listen patiently to passenger requirements, as the forefront of FA did work also represents the airline's image.4. Why select candidates for your company and other airlines?Because your company hundreds of flights per week, fleet and its flight .

2012-12-30 15:41:02 補充:
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2012-12-30 8:04 pm
Why want to be a FA?
I understand that to the FA job d not even simple to maintain cabin safety and deal with guests both the requirements of work, having regard to the flight or weather conditions and extended or adjusted, more same day return only happens, so need physical than the general work, but I am confident that I can afford, I mainly work also customer service, I feel able guests feel safe, happy, I really only service I have a big satisfaction. Machine on both passengers, mostly business trips and tourism-based, Drainage whole trip of only the first impression and the end of it for them by the FA with. If I was a passenger, I would hope that the Department of a Han tired both voyage into the surface can feel comfortable and safe, which will also allow drainage to leave a good impression, next time chosen to take this airline.

3What do you think is a good FA?
In my opinion a good FA first must be conscientious, even if a few tired have to bring the spirit of maintaining cabin safety, calm, careful to have a tacit understanding with other colleagues to deal with all emergencies, such as drunken passengers or dispute. A good FA must bring the spirit to face the passengers, passengers listening patiently to both requirements of even a few tired, because the FA the forefront of both work and will also represent the image of the airline.

Why applying for your company, rather than the other airlines?
Because your company every week there are hundreds of classes voyage, the fleet and navigable cities (waypoints) are more than one hundred, In addition, the Company has also joined left airline alliance (Airline Alliance) ─ Universe one (One World), to further strengthen the left aviation network, it is possible to become the largest in Hong Kong and even the world's best airlines FA Department I absolutely honored.
2012-12-30 7:45 pm
translate from google!!!><" it's incorrect!!

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