would you read my story?

2012-12-30 12:53 am
This is just a little summary a typed up. The names aren't official though-

Brooke Wells has always wondered about her family, as she only ever knew her mom, Naida, and her Aunt, Duchess. When Naida died, Brooke was left alone with Duchess, the person that, despite her being completely rich and buying Brooke everything she wanted, hated the most out of everyone she knows. When Brooke meets a new guy, Maddox, and they instantly become friends, she realizes they are more alike than she knew before. Both are part of a race which each member has a special ability. They are called Elementals. There are groups, covens, that each Elemental is part of, but they are never aloud to meet as their powers would slowly fade the more time they were together. The strongest coven, a group of 12 people, met at one point but were together too long before and their powers disappeared.
Brooke is part of the now most powerful coven known, a group of 7, and all she wants to do is to meet the other 6. Brooke has to find a way to break the spell that causes them to loose their powers, cast by the Elemental queen, so she can meet her siblings and defeat a darkness that will soon take the power of every elemental, and kill all of them.

It was a dream and I thought it sounded fun to write as a book, and this is the summary so would you read it? Thanks :3

Hmm don't know what juice means...


Oh I forgot to mention that there is a girl, part of the Anti Elemental coven, that is trying to kill Brooke and stop her and there's lots of fights and stuff ._. Should have added that.

回答 (5)

2012-12-30 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
The guy who said juice: Juice meant, that your story summary doesn't sound very interesting, and you didn't try to make it either.
I think it's an interesting concept. But whether you can make it into a good story depends on you.
2012-12-30 9:01 am
The background information is kind of interesting but the readers need some kind plot change something more exciting.
2012-12-30 8:58 am
No juice at all.
2012-12-30 9:08 am
i dunno wat is juice either~ XDDD

well, you can give a try on writing it out.

the structure is kinda random, and the plot seems not well organized, but that's normal, for the first draft as a story.
since you have the main character and all those stuff, now you should think of the background and setting of the whole scene, like what legend had occurs and what kinda world had involved.

Wish you all the best in your writing~~
2012-12-30 9:00 am
Please write that I would buy it the summary sounds so good and interesting I would love to read it
參考: personal opinion baby

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