Why are Obama supporters still upset about the election?

2012-12-29 9:49 pm
Obama did win the election. Yet, everyday I see questions about why did Romney think he could win, or why did educated people vote for Obama, or who thought Romney was going to win, etc. Was the election really so stimulating that these "uber-educated liberals" can't move past the event? They sure have moved past Benghazi at lightning speed.

Mark, is the liberal use of "ask a stupid question" their form of exalting in the win? What is the reason for bringing up the subject again and again? I really don't think Benghazi is manufactured, any more than Fast & Furious, the Plame Affair, Whitewater, the Iran Contra Affair, or Watergate. There were many in each Administration who wished those investigations would just go away, but they didn't, and neither will Benghazi.

回答 (4)

2012-12-29 10:19 pm
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Only in liberal American can people completely IGNORE what happened at Benghazi. If this had happened under Bush all hell would be set loose. The liberal media is covering up this administration at every turn.

2012-12-30 6:50 am
1st leftest are alway angry, mean and hateful or the wouldn't be leftest.
2nd the leftest will never take responsibility for any of their failures.
3rd The leftest will continue to try to undermined the constitution or they wouldn't leftest.

you have 5 main types of democrats.
Do gooders wanta bees
Radicals aka Bill Ayers type
Communist/socialist/Muslims who want to control the people not serve the people.
2012-12-30 6:09 am
Obama supporters are not upset about the election. You got it backwards.

Benghazi is a perfect example of conservative bitterness over the election, months of one desperate failed attempt after another to manufacture a scandal out of a tragedy for cheap political gain.
2012-12-30 6:27 am
one day years from now you tools will give it a rest

but we will not hold out breath


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