
2012-12-28 4:55 pm

回答 (5)

2012-12-31 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

The company XX has made comprehensive testing and improvement on the product LF-2000, such as its appearance and side cover, and an increase of its ball bearing, to make the product more and more stable -- which is a vantage point for the machine. If you are interested, we would like to share and discuss the details with you. We apologize for the face cover (LP-69) because we didn't send you the updated graphic paper. Enclosed is the corrected graphic paper. Meantime, to be responsible, we will pay for the fees required to fix the module. Once again, we apologize sincerely for the inconvenience!

2012-12-30 17:25:44 補充:
如果不是某確定名稱的公司 -- 那就把 The company XX 改成 Some company 或 A certain company

2012-12-30 18:44:06 補充:
少翻譯 『皮帶』 - leather band
belt 和 stripe 都是比較大型。通常給小東西的帶子,就是用 band.

2012-12-30 18:46:24 補充:
如果是手機等小號3C, 用 leather band
如果是車子的零件,用 leather belt,或 belt 即可。
2013-09-17 1:14 am
要買高仿的還是要去 http://aaashops。com 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡。
2012-12-29 9:31 pm
2012-12-28 8:44 pm
As for LF-2000,A company has proceeded mass inspection & improvement, including appearance, side-cover, leather stripe and additional rolling ball bearing. In fact, it has stabilized the quality of the product(s) and provided you with the maximum niche.If possible, we would like to share the products with you for further discussion. Sorry for sending the wrong, origin diagram paper(top cover:LP-69) before redesigning. BTW, the revised diagram paper is attached for your reference. Any expense in association with the tooling should be charged on us, please send the detail information to us. Sorry for causing you inconvenience.

2012-12-28 5:51 pm
What companies are actually for a LF-2000 this product has done very large-scale tests and improvements, such as: appearance, side cover, belt and increasing forest of ball culture, make the product more stable, which is the greatest advantage of this machine. If allowed, it will be able to share with you in detail and discuss the issue. Sorry to cover (LP-69) on this item, inadvertently sent the drawings before the revision. Apart from the genuine drawings to the fill, and is willing to pay the cost of die-repairing, to accept responsibility. Apologies on Shang Qikuan induced by Yu again!

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