
2012-12-29 12:18 am

感謝您答應了我的加薪要求 我很榮幸可以在XX部門 跟大家一同工作 學習, 就像您所說過的 我們的工作是造福人們 使他們的生活變得更美好, 我非常以此工作為榮
也抱著非常極大的興趣 和努力 的在幫助大家解決問題(debug)和學習更多相關技術(technology)知識使工作上更得心應手,未來不管多久我都會繼續努力, 十分感謝


回答 (7)

2012-12-29 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為是要寫給上司的郵件,建議盡量別用太多 I 當主詞,就像一般商業書信一樣。

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your permission to my salary raising request.
It is my pleasure to work and learn with everyone in XX department.
As your words, our job is to bring better life and benefit the people, this makes me very proud.
With great interests and zeal, helping people to solve their problems and learning more technical knowledge also could increase my work effects.
I will keep doing my best for our company in the future!

Thank you so much and Happy New Year!

Sincerely Yours,
2012-12-29 3:24 pm
Nice work everyone...

2012-12-29 12:29 pm
Dear Sir:

Thank you for granting my salary increment. I am honored to work and learn at XXX department. If I can recall what you have said "our job would be beneficial for people to get a better living."

I am very proud to be an employee of XYZ Company. Also I am holding a great interest and strive in helping to resolve (debug) problems, at the same time, learning more technical knowledge to make my work more efficient.

I will continue doing my best for this company. Sincerely yours,

Happy New Year~


2012-12-29 04:32:30 補充:
Since this is an official letter from you to your boss, I have chosen business vocabularies. For example: Granting and If I can recall.

p.s. Please change If I can recall to If I may recall... may is a better word choice.

Hopefully this will help~

Edie 黃鈺文
2012-12-29 8:12 am
Thank you for permitting my request to raise my salary.
It's my honor to work and learn with everyone in the XX department.
As you have mentioned, the object of our jobs was to make people happy and help them have better lives. Therefore, I am proud of the job very much.
I also try hard to help people solve the problems with great enthusiasm and efforts. In addition, I keep learning more related techniques and knowledge to improve my performance on my work. All in all, I will keep working on it in the future days. Thank you very much.

Happy New Year.

中間我有加些連接詞 另外debug跟technology因為覺得跟語意有點不符合所以就還是不用了 debug是vt.及物動詞所以應該要有明確的受詞 像是電腦程式之類
而technology是科技/技術的意思 技巧/技術比較會用techniques
參考: 我自己
2012-12-29 7:40 am
I express my appreciation for your agreement about getting a raise.

我很榮幸可以在XX部門 跟大家一同工作 學習
I am very proud to belong to the xx department,
I will work and learn with each partner.

As you have said our ultimate goal is benefiting the entire people
and let their lives become better.

I am very proud of this job.

也抱著非常極大的興趣 和努力 的在幫助大家解決問題和學習更多相關技術知識使工作上更得心應手
I am deep interested and working hard in solving troubles for people,
and learning more related knowledge of technology to become smoothly
in job.

No matter how many years in the future,I will work hard continuously.

Thank you very much.

May you have a happy new year.
參考: 自己的認知
2012-12-29 5:06 am
I appreciate you agree to increase my salary request. It is my honor to work in xx department that makes me great chance to work and to learn with these excellent people. As you have said, our goals are to benefit people and to make their lives better. I am very proud of this work. I am very interested in debugging to help people to solve their problems. I also want to learn more technology to gain my knowledge that will help me in the future works. No matter how long it will be, I promise I will keep working hard. Thank you very much!

Happy New Year
參考: Myself
2012-12-29 1:16 am
Bothersome meeting English helps me to translate!! Most above boss is the foreigner!! Therefore the ratio must write the English letter, () in is the individual character which I want to use!! Also may increase the ideal sentence voluntarily!! Thanked

thanks you to promise me to raise in salary requests me to be honored very much may work together in XX department with everybody the study, looked like you to say our work was benefits the people to cause their life to become happier, I also was extremely holding the extremely enormous
interest take this work as the honor and diligently in help everybody to solve question (debug) and the study more correlation technology (technology) knowledge cause in the work to be handier, no matter future how long I all will be able to continue to try hard, thanked the new year

to be joyful extremely.


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