2012-12-28 2:15 am
I am 18 with a 6 month old daughter i have been with her father for 2 years. we recently split up becuase he stole from my family multiple times and we have proof. Now he will never be able to come around my family again. and hes lied to me about it. he keeps calling and texting me telling me all kinds of things like hes sorryy and he is goin to do everything he can to fix it and tht he loves me nd misses me and wants me in his arms and he crys every night nd i really believe he is in pain. which so am i.! i miss him like crazy and i wanna go back to him so bad.! i love him so much more than anything but if i do go back then my family will be very disappointed and plus he wuldnt be aloud to family events and such and idk if i should forgive him for what he has done i mean im just so confused somebody help me.! p.s. i let him have his daughter every other day so that it is fair in case yall r wondering.!

回答 (4)

2012-12-28 2:26 am
golly gosh what a mess

is there some sort of a drug habit thing going on or is he just a thief
as for family well you sort of created a new family haven't you it includes you as the mother him as the father and the daughter as the child which equals a family
so... if you really really want to fix things and he is really really remorseful well you must not worry what your parents think and as for future family events well worry about that when the time comes because if your family can see the change in him and the happiness in you well cross that bridge later ok

however... back to the drug habit thing... if that is the case well sorry all the calling and texting and crying will not solve it he needs to get help himself and there is the expression tough love you must be strong and sorry for your situation but you are doing the right thing letting him see his daughter but concerned you said you let him "have" his daughter...!!!

2012-12-28 2:22 am
Once a Clepto always a Clepto.
2012-12-28 2:21 am
Delete delete delete the txts msgs
REMEMBER the reasons why this is over. He does NOT love you or respect you he stole from your family and lied to you
I note that he is NOT going for any help about this behaviour
If he was for real he would appologise ONCE and then step back out of your life and get professional help. He would NOT be emotionaly blackmailing/browbeating you.
This man aint sorry hes only sorry that he cant continue his thieving deceptive ways
2012-12-28 2:26 am
wow, I dont know this one

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