
2012-12-27 8:42 am
我係International Student ( Visa Student )
依家係多倫多一間公立高中讀Grade 11,
所以打算升英國既大學 但想請教下所需程序

係First Semester 考出黎平均分都有High 80s
由於多倫多冇open test, 所以本地大學收生都係根據high school成績

甘如果依家我打算係加拿大讀埋high school先apply英國大學

such as 要考AL ? IELTS ?


回答 (1)

2012-12-31 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Entry requirements Undergraduate

With the exception of Quebec (DEC needed) the Certificates or Diplomas awarded by the provinces on completion of secondary school studies are acceptable in satisfaction of general entrance requirements, with approximately 95% in each of the courses taken necessary for consideration to LSE undergraduate degree programmes (see below).

■Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma with University Preparatory Courses - 95% (90% for AAB/ABB programmes) in six grade 12 courses at least five of which must be University Preparatory Courses (4U). The sixth course could be a University/College Preparation Course (4M).

Students applying from Canadian universities should have a GPA above 3.2/4.0 or above 7.2/9.0, or a minimum average of B+.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:26:27
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