
2012-12-26 9:56 am




I will get married, this is my wedding invitations. although I know you guys in Australia can not come to Taiwan, but I still want to share this happy thing with you guys, I miss you all, and miss the funny time in the kitchen.

Enjoy yourself all the day!
Best wishes to you.


回答 (10)

2012-12-26 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案



Dear XXX,

I am writing to tell you a good news that I am going to get married. I would like to send you my invitation and share my happiness with you; however, I assume that some of you may not available to come to my party. Anyway, I am missing you guys, and I am missing the days when we were working together.

All the best, and good on you all, Mate!


搞定, 不懂再問
2015-04-25 9:10 am
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2014-08-25 8:19 pm
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2014-08-22 11:48 am
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2012-12-29 11:34 pm
Although + but 也是台式英文......
2012-12-27 7:26 am
I am getting married. This is my wedding invatation. Although i know you guys are in Australia and won't be able to join my wedding, but i still wanted to share this good news with you guys. I miss you all and all the fun time in the kitchen.
May you all have a wonderful life.

best wishes.

你的英文已有相當的程度 問題跟台灣大多數人一樣 再於用台式邏輯說英文 也就是不道地

2012-12-26 6:45 pm

I am going to get married, this is my wedding invatation. Although i know you guys are in Australia, can't come to Taiwan for my wedding, but i still want to share this good news to you guys. I miss you all, and and i miss the fun time in the kitchen.wish you are happly after.

Your bestfriend
2012-12-26 6:16 pm
I was going to marry!! This is my wedding, although I know that you in Australia was not able to attend, but I wanted to share with you the joy, I missed all of you also miss those interesting life in the kitchen, I wish you happy every day ~ ~
Best wishesWen

2012-12-26 3:02 pm
I am writing to tell you (the) good news that I am (getting) married. I would like to send you my invitation and share my happiness with you; however, I assume that some of you may not (be) available to come to my party.

2012-12-26 07:03:57 補充:
Anyway, I am missing you guys, and the days when we were working together.

"I am missing"不需寫兩ㄘ,可共用。

2012-12-27 08:12:45 補充:
To #2 Movie King,

前面有Although 後面不需用but
2012-12-26 2:34 pm
KY lives in OZ 寫的很好, 只想提兩點建議:

I assume that some of you may not available to come to my party. 要改為
I assume that some of you may not be available to come to my party.
may 是助動詞, 在形容詞 available 前要加 be

Anyway, I am missing you guys, and I am missing the days when we were working together. 改為現在式表示一直都想你們, 不是只在現在正在想你們
Anyway, I miss you guys, and I miss the days when we were working together.
參考: Myself

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