定積分definite integral

2012-12-25 8:06 am
Determine the area bounded by the curves y=(x^2)+3 and y=(-x^2)+5

回答 (1)

2012-12-25 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
For y= x^2 +3,
when x = 0
y = 3

For y = -x^2 +5
when y = 0
-x^2 + 5 = 0
x^2 = 5
x = ±√5
when x = 0
y = 5

y= x^2 +3 ...............(1)
y = -x^2 +5..............(2)
x^2 +3 = -x^2 +5
2x^2 -2 = 0
x^2 = 1
x =±√1

∫_(-1)^(1)▒((-x^2 +5)-(x^2+3))dx
=∫_(-1)^(1)▒(-2x^2 +2)dx
=[-2/3 * x^3 + 2x ](-1)^(1)
=[-2/3 * (1+1) +2(1+1)](-1)^(1)
=-2/3 *2 +4
=8/3 sq. units

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