Why aren't rawhide chew Toys good for dogs?

2012-12-23 10:29 pm
at least this is what I have heard anyways

回答 (4)

2012-12-23 10:34 pm
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A number of reasons. They're processed with chemicals that are potentially harmful. They cause stomach upset in a lot of dogs. They're difficult to digest and can cause blockages in the stomach and intestines. And they can be easily ripped off in large chunks and pose a larger choking hazard than most chew toys.
2012-12-24 6:40 am
I think they are alright as long as the dog is watched carefully when they eat it. It's good for their teeth. However it has caused blockages in some dogs who eat large pieces of them without chewing on them first. They expand when they get wet.
2012-12-24 6:32 am
Because there's been too many times where they've caused blockages which require emergency surgery to save the dog's life.
2012-12-24 6:30 am
They aren't normally good for dogs because as they get chewed up and eaten they become choking hazards.

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