Does this seem a correct interpretation?

2012-12-23 3:22 am
Co worker was telling another co worker that Nancy is not excited for Michelle.
Get the impression that something positive is coming my way at work and Nancy
is jealous.
What would make people jealous at work?

Does this seem a correct interpretation?

What I heard makes sense because a couple of days ago, I overheard Nancy talking to a co worker and saying this about me...."that's because she is so honest!"

回答 (3)

2012-12-23 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yeah, the workplace is a very good breeding ground for jealousy for some reason... sounds like you got it right...
2012-12-23 3:35 am
Well people always find a reason to dislike someone. Especially if they're smarter than them/better at their job.
2012-12-23 4:16 am
only those mean people will get jealous.i mean,normally,even nice people get jealous,they won't be mean to who they jealous of

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