Did the world come to an end yesterday?

2012-12-22 7:50 pm
I forgot to check.

回答 (10)

2012-12-22 7:55 pm
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You look. I'm afraid to.
2012-12-23 3:51 am
It did for anyone who died.
2012-12-23 3:51 am
Yes! You slept through it??
2012-12-23 4:03 am
It sure did - - didn't you notice the north and south magnetic poles changed ?....and that hidden Planet X crashed into earth virtually unoticed....and there was a great conscience of awakening to get in touch with our spiritual insides....and massive volcanoes errupted everywhere......and the people in mexico were raising their hands to welcome back their forgotten myan god......lol.......when are people going to learn there is only one true source of phrophecy > The Bible.

2012-12-23 3:51 am
Oh Yes Sir, it indeed ended. But let me advise you that it started again in glorious New Zealand :-)
2012-12-23 3:52 am
Are you still alive?
How come?
2012-12-23 3:51 am
If you have to ask, please look for your medication.
2012-12-23 4:21 pm
It won't come to an end except on God's timetable. The Mayans were not on God's timetable obviously. The prophecies are in the Bible that tell what has to happen yet before the end comes, and when it does a new earth will be created. and the enemies of Israel who are fighting against her will be demolished. The gospel will be preached throughout the earth before the end comes.
2012-12-23 3:59 am
Good one, only reason I answered is your name. Jesus might be lord somewhere, what you need to seek out is the fact that Yeshua is The Messiah. And you CAN'T translate that into Jesus.
2012-12-23 3:58 am
I am too busy laughing at the people who gave away all their possessions BECAUSE IT'S "END TIMES"

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