
2012-12-22 10:30 am


a 麵粉 2杯

b 細砂糖 1/4杯

c 鹽 1/8茶匙

d 泡打粉baking powder 1大匙

e 鮮奶油(heavy whipping cream) 1+1/4杯

f. 新鮮小藍莓,或巧克力豆,或起司絲,


1.先將乾料abcd均勻混合, 再混入e鮮奶油, 用湯匙稍微攪拌至粉濕潤,加入新鮮小藍莓,或巧克力豆,或起司絲, 隨即捏成一個麵糰。

2. 面板上鋪上少許麵粉, 雙手亦拍上少許麵粉, 將麵糰輕揉四次,輕壓成扁圓形, 像切派一樣切成八塊,或用圓形模切成圓形, 將切好的scones置於已鋪油紙wax paper的烤盤上

3. 在scones上面刷上蛋黃,以180度C烤約15分鐘,以自己判斷為準,直到金黃色 。

回答 (6)

2012-12-22 12:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Usually, people place traditional British snack “scone” on the second layer of the conventional English afternoon tea. Now, I am going to teach you guys how to make the delicious scone.

First, we need to prepare the materials.


a. Flour - 2 cups
b. Fine Sugar - 1/4 cup
c. Salt – 1/8 tea spoon
d. Baking Powder – 1 table spoon
e. Heavy Whipping Cream – 1 and 1/4 cups
f. Fresh Blueberries, or Chocolate Beans, or Shredded Cheese


1. First, mix materials a, b, c, and d together uniformly, and then mix them with the material e “Heavy Whipping Cream” and stir them with a spoon until they are slightly moist. Now add fresh blueberries, chocolate beans, or shredded cheese into them, then knead them as a dough.
2. Put a little flour on a cutting board and your hands. Gently knead the dough four times and gently press the dough into a flat round shape, similar to cut a pie, cut the flat round shape dough into eight pieces or cut it into round shape with round pattern die. Put wax paper on the baking tray and place the cut scones on the wax paper.
3. Brush egg yolk on the top of the scones and bake the scones for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees C, according to your own judgment, until the scones are golden brown.

How to enjoy the scone?
A layer of jam on the top of the scone, another layer of cream, and then bite it, and then a layer of jam, another layer of cream, and bite it, and so on.
參考: Myself
2012-12-23 1:10 pm



2012-12-22 6:32 pm
United Kingdom formal afternoon tea, the second layer is usually placed United Kingdom traditional English-style dim sum SconeAnd now I'm going to teach you how to make delicious Scone!
You first need to prepare materialsA flour 2 cups
One-fourth b fine granulated sugar Cup
C one-eighth teaspoon salt
D baking powder baking powder 1 tablespoon
E cream (heavy whipping cream) 1+1/4 cup
F. small fresh blueberries or chocolate beans or shredded cheese,

1. the ABCD dry materials evenly mixed, mixed with e cream, spoon stirring until powder slightly humid, joined the small fresh blueberries or chocolate beans or shredded cheese, then pinch into a dough.

2. the Panel covered with a little flour, hands also took some flour, the dough lightly knead four times, light pressure into the oval-shaped, cut into eight pieces like qiepai, or with a circle die-cut into a circle, put the cut scones shop paper wax paper on a baking tray

3. Scones on the brush above the egg yolks, baking at 180 degrees c for about 15 minutes, is subject to judge for themselves, until golden brown.Scone to eat is to jam and then cream coating, after continued under the coating.
2012-12-22 3:59 pm

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2012-12-22 1:29 pm
Yes, the little maid ordered me a buttered scone...
I would be uncivilised to have scone without butter, indeed!
2012-12-22 12:09 pm
這樣做出來的恐怕很難吃的...少了butter. 你確信你沒有少抄錯? 這年頭應該不會有人在烤箱裡用wax paper了吧. 太恐怖了. 比吃碗麵還可怕.

給你找到一個英文的食譜. 直接用吧. 你那個食譜相當可議.


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