幫忙翻譯 20

2012-12-21 8:32 am
My boyfriend and I were driving away from Athens, Ohio. I had been born and raised there, along with every other member of my family. It was never discussed among our little foursome, but it was a known-from-birth fact, that my sister and I would be attending and graduating Ohio University. Therefore, it had been a terrible family tragedy, when, a few months ago, during my second year there, I’d made plans to transfer out in the fall. What had shocked them even more, if that were possible, was the fact that I was transferring nearly twenty-five hundred miles away to Washington—more specifically, the University of Washington in Seattle. I had landed a pretty nice scholarship, though, and that had definitely helped to sway my parents. Helped, but only a little. Family gatherings were going to be…colorful from now on.


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2012-12-30 11:08 pm
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My boyfriend and I were driving away from Athens, Ohio. I had been born and raised there, along with every other member of my family. It was never discussed among our little foursome, but it was a known-from-birth fact, that my sister and I would be attending and graduating Ohio University. Therefore, it had been a terrible family tragedy, when, a few months ago, during my second year there, I’d made plans to transfer out in the fall. What had shocked them even more, if that were possible, was the fact that I was transferring nearly twenty-five hundred miles away to Washington—more specifically, the University of Washington in Seattle. I had landed a pretty nice scholarship, though, and that had definitely helped to sway my parents. Helped, but only a little. Family gatherings were going to be…colorful from now on.

2013-01-05 04:07:01 補充:
2012-12-21 5:23 pm
我和男朋友駕車離開了,那自小出生和家人共同生活的雅典斯市俄亥俄州。在途中絕不提起有關雙方打高爾夫球的話題,誠心誠意我將趕到參加自小互相關懷的姊姊在俄亥俄大學的畢業典禮。 正在數個月前,當我就讀那所大學二年級的時候,已經預備計劃於秋季前往距離250 里路程的西雅圖市的華盛頓州,州立大學;如果屬實的話,恐怕肯定會是家庭事變,幸好我已經批准獎學金,雖然是這樣是微不足道,但是有助消除父母親的疑慮,從此使整家相聚變更為多采多姿事情了............。
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” by Hongkong Oxford Univ ersity Press1975

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:26:40
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