
2012-12-21 8:23 am



回答 (7)

2012-12-22 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
***我不想作硬生生的翻譯,試想象那是一位節目主持的現場旁白。^_^ ***

"將有八杯水排成一列,把球放在第一杯裝滿水的杯子上,從起點吹到終點, 一次只能用一顆乒乓球。不可以用手或其他方式接觸,只能用嘴巴吹氣,每組遊戲限時一分鐘。"

In here you will see 8 glasses of water in one row, put the

ball onto the first glass filled with water. Then blow the

Ping-pong ball from the starting point up to the end. Do

remember you can get one ball only each time, blow the

ball with your mouth only. Can't touch it by hand or any

other ways. Okay? Each group is in one minute ready to go!

參考: 文字機械人 ^_^
2014-09-18 8:14 am
台北乒乓球練習場乒乓球教學接近於人性化的對打器具。來台北乒乓球練習場擊球過早、揮拍力道拿捏不好等問題皆能有明顯改善 。話題經典運動休閒用品買就賺,現在就來台北乒乓球練習場看看!!
2012-12-21 10:13 pm
Make a row with 8 cups of water. Put a ping-pong ball atop the first full cup of water and blow it from the beginning to the end. Each time you can only use one ball. Touching it or using other ways are not permitted. The due time for each group is one minute.
2012-12-21 8:33 pm

8 cups of water row a straight line,
there's a ping-pong ball upon the first cup of water.
Blow the ball without hands or any tools
from the start forward to the last cup,
one ball each round.
You can play it with mouth only.
One minute to go.
2012-12-21 6:36 pm
Eight cups of water will be up in a column, put the ball in the first Cup on Cup filled with water, blowing from the start to the end, one can only use a table tennis, not by hand or otherwise contact, use only the mouth blowing, each set of game time are limited to one minute.
2012-12-21 8:46 am
Line up 8 cups (filled with water) in a row.
Put one ping-pong ball on the first cup of these eight cups.
Blow the ping-pong ball over all these 8 cups to the end.
Only one ping-pong ball is allowed per time.
Ping-pong ball cannot be touched by hand or by any other manner.
Ping-pong ball only can be blown to move by mouth.
Each game is limited by one minute.
參考: Myself
2012-12-21 8:42 am
There will be eight cups of water in a row. You need to put a ping-pong ball in the first cup and blow it all through the eight cups to the end. You can only use one ball at a time and can't use any other way to touch the ball , for example hands and mouth. You would only have one minute to play this game.

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