
2012-12-21 4:55 am
1.圖表顯示 台灣肥胖者高居亞洲第一

2.肥胖比例是其他國家的好幾倍 有"亞洲胖夫"之稱


回答 (5)

2012-12-21 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.圖表顯示 台灣肥胖者高居亞洲第一
Chart shows Taiwan obesity ranks first in Asia

2.肥胖比例是其他國家的好幾倍 有"亞洲胖夫"之稱
Obesity is several times that of other countries have "fat in Asia," said

Taiwan people are "fixed"

2012-12-22 2:46 pm

2012-12-22 11:07:16 補充:
2012-12-21 7:06 am
1.Chart shows Taiwan obesity highest in Asia and
2.The obesity ratio is "Asian fat husband said several times in other countries
3.Taiwanese fixed family
2012-12-21 5:39 am
1.圖表顯示 台灣肥胖者高居亞洲第一
1.As shown in the figure, In Asia, Taiwanese has the highest rate to be obese.

2.肥胖比例是其他國家的好幾倍 有"亞洲胖夫"之稱
The obesity ratio in Taiwan is several times in other countries. Taiwanese is so-called "Asian Fat”.

3. Most of Taiwanese never workout.
參考: Myself
2012-12-21 5:37 am
1. The graph shows that Taiwan's fattiness are the highest among Asia.

2. The rate of fatness is several folds of the other countries, so it is called "Asia Fattiness".

3. Most of the Taiwanese are "moveless group".

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:27:40
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