幫我翻譯以下內容做中文 thanks!

2012-12-19 6:16 pm
I'm with you, HK Jay! The best thing about Hong Kong,hands down, is dining out. Have you beem to the new Asian fusion spot in Mid-levels? It's called The Red Door and it has a menu to die for! Try the spicy chicken lettuce wraps ---oh, man, they are truly a thing of beanty! And let's not forget about home dining. Do you know what that is? It may sound a bit weird, but it's quite secretive, so you need to know someone who's dined at the person's flat before. I've done it once---and loved it! I don't think it'll ever take off, but it's fun to try!

回答 (3)

2012-12-20 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

香港傑伊,我在和你在一起啊!香港最好的東西傳下來的,就是外出吃飯。你有沒有到過在半山區的那個,做新的亞洲融合菜式的地方呢?那裡叫做 "The Red Door",我愛死了它的菜單上菜式呢!嚐嚐辣雞生菜圈吧 --- 噢,天啊,這實在是個好極了的東西啊!還讓你別忘了要帶回家吃。你知道這是甚麼嗎?這聽起來可能有點不可思議,但卻是相當隱秘的,所以你要知道,之前是誰帶過回去他們的房間裡吃過。我就帶過一次 --- 還愛上了這樣呢!我不覺得總是會這樣帶回去,但試試卻是有趣的呢!

I'm with you, HK Jay! The best thing about Hong Kong, hands down(1), is dining out(2). Have you been to the new Asian fusion spot(3) in Mid-levels? It's called The Red Door(4) and it has a menu to die for(5)! Try the spicy chicken lettuce wraps(6) --- oh, man(7), they are truly a thing of beauty(8)! And let's not forget about home dining. Do you know what that is? It may sound a bit weird(9), but it's quite secretive(10), so you need to know someone who's dined at the person's flat(11) before. I've done it once --- and loved it! I don't think it'll ever take off(12), but it's fun to try!

hand(hands)down:留傳下來。dine(dining)out:外出進餐。fusion spot:fusion:融合。spot:地方、地點。The Red Door:因在網上怎麼找也找不到它的中文譯名,所以唯有直接套用在中譯上,請多多包涵。die for:(口語)渴望。lettuce wrap(wraps):lettuce:生菜。wrap:(菜式)圈(依據英文《維基百科》相關條目裡的解釋為:A wrap is a type of sandwich made with a soft flatbread rolled around a filling.(請參閱這裡))oh man:同 "oh my god",即意指「噢,天啊」或「噢,我的天啊」。beauty:(口語)極好(或極壞)的東西或人。home dining:在家裡進餐。weird:(口語)奇特的、不可思議的。secretive:隱秘的。flat:住宅的單位或房間。ever take off:ever:總是。take off:同 "take away",意指把餐廳食肆購買的食物取走離開。


2012-12-19 18:38:44 補充:
謝謝 Lusa 您的提點,如您所說依據上文下理,我是贊同您說的這個解法。我也會接著更正我的答案的。

2012-12-19 18:42:20 補充:
對不起,因自己想錯了,中譯的「我在和你在一起啊」打錯了,現更正為「我贊成你的提議啊」("with" 有贊成的意思)。

參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-12-20 12:54 am

所以我並不同意I'm with you=我在和你在一起啊!


2012-12-19 6:23 pm

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