
2012-12-20 5:30 am
A set list or mini-log of readings mav have to be taken during the various tours. Between lours of inspection the Dutv Engineer will be on call and should be ready to investigate anv alarms relaved to his cabin or the various public rooms. The Duty Engineer should not be out of range of these alarms without appointing a relief and informing the bridge.
The main log book readings will be taken as required while on a tour of inspection. The various regular duties, such as fuel transfer, pumping of bilges, and so on. should be carried out during the daw. ork period, but it remain? the responsibility of the Duty Engineer to ensure that they ire done.
The loading of fuel oil into a ship's tanks from a shoreside installation or bunker barge takes place about once a trip. The penalties for oil spills are large, the damage to the environment is considerable, and the ship


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2012-12-23 11:30 pm
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A set list or mini-log of readings may have to be taken during the various tours. Between tours of inspection the Duty Engineer will be on call and should be ready to investigate any alarms relayed to his cabin or the various public rooms.巡視機艙時攜帶檢查清單checklist或是袖珍輪機日記以方便記錄各項讀數(蒸氣壓力溫度幫浦進出口壓力….)當值輪機員(大管二管或三管輪)和oiler (加油),在其更內負責定時巡視機艙以外的時間,對於任何情況異常的警報進行調查處理(警報會傳到當值輪機員住艙及其他公用地方如飯廳,廁所…) The Duty Engineer should not be out of range of these alarms without appointing a relief and informing the bridge.當值輪機員如有必要離開到聽不到警報的區域,他要有人接替,並告知艙面當值(大副二副或三副)
The main log book readings will be taken as required while on a tour of inspection. The various regular duties, such as fuel transfer, pumping of bilges, and so on. should be carried out during the day. but it remain? the responsibility of the Duty Engineer to ensure that they ire done.
每次巡視的各項記錄要轉錄於輪機日記, 當值輪機員一般固定的工作:把使用的燃油艙加足燃油,排出艙底水..等等工作一定要在白天完成,Bunkerins
The loading of fuel oil into a ship's tanks from a shoreside installation or bunker barge takes place about once a trip. The penalties for oil spills are large, the damage to the environment is considerable, and the ship每一航次都會加油一次,不管是從岸邊輸油管或是由浮動加油驳船要非常小心,漏油到海裡,科罰金外,又破壞了生態環境…
2012-12-20 10:43 am
當每次巡迴檢察時,可能必須記錄讀數的列表或微型日誌,在巡迴檢察之間,值勤工程師將隨時待命,並應隨時調查任何涉及到他的或各種公共的房間的警報,如果值勤工程師沒有指定一個替換工程師,並且通知船橋,值勤工程師不應該去到警報範圍之外的區域,在每次巡迴檢查時主日誌的讀數必需被記錄, 各種日常職責,如燃料輸送,泵清艙底的積水等等, 應該在白天或定期的進行, 但它存在嗎?值勤工程師的責任是要確保它們被完成。

每次航行, 都要將燃油從岸上或燃油駁船加到船的油槽,船舶的坦克從岸上安裝或燃油駁船裝載的燃油發生一次旅行。漏油的處罰都很嚴格,對環境的破壞是相當大的,並且船
參考: Myself
2012-12-20 6:12 am
記錄簿的讀數將被視為必需的,而在巡迴檢查。各種日常職責,如燃料輸送,泵的艙底,等。應進行,在DAW(數字音頻工作站)。 工作時期,但它存在嗎?責任工程師的責任,以確保他們的憤怒做。

參考: me+google+revised

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