急~~我想要把這段中文翻成英文 請英文好的人幫忙 謝謝

2012-12-19 9:34 am

回答 (4)

2012-12-28 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The marriage registration has been effected from May-23,2008. According to civil law article No. 982, the marriage papers should be presented with the signature of two or more witnesses to the authority as the Household Registration Offices. Both parties should go to the authority for registration.
2012-12-20 9:28 pm
Since May 23, 97, registration of marriages by the ceremony of marriage to marriage according to civil law article No. 982: marriage shall be in writing, signatures of two or more witnesses, and should be made by the parties to the constitutional authority for the registration of the marriage, is valid.
2012-12-19 10:22 am
Since May 23, 97, according to the article No. 982 of the civil law, a legal marriage has been redefined as a marriage with registration from a marriage with ceremony. A valid marriage shall be in writing with two or more witnesses signatures, and shall be registered to the Household Registration Offices by both parties of the marriage.
參考: Myself
2012-12-19 6:38 pm
各位好, 我們是完全免費的英文讀書會 Royal English Club
全程使用英文對話, 歡迎想練習對話的朋友參加

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