幫忙翻譯 英文

2012-12-19 7:55 am
It was the longest drive I had ever been on. That really wasn’t saying a whole lot, since I had never driven more than sixty miles away from my home town. Still, by anyone’s standards, the drive was absurdly long. According to MapQuest, it was roughly thirty-seven hours and eleven minutes long. I’m assuming that’s if you’re super human and never need a pit stop, of course.


感謝eicachan 用心的回答 但我還有幾個小問題 I’m assuming that’s if you’re super human and never need a pit stop, of course. 中的句型I’m assuming that’s if 可改為I’m assuming that if 或What I'am assuming is if嗎?


整體來說,我對 I’m assuming that’s if you’re super human and never need a pit stop, of course." 這一句的句型還是看不太懂 可以詳細解釋嗎 例如of course在這的用法 I’m assuming that’s if 的用法,

回答 (2)

2012-12-19 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English/Chinese translation

"It was the longest drive I had ever been on. That really wasn’t saying a whole lot, since I had never driven more than sixty miles away from my home town. Still, by anyone’s standards, the drive was absurdly long. According to MapQuest, it was roughly thirty-seven hours and eleven minutes long. I’m assuming that’s if you’re super human and never need a pit stop, of course."

saying a whole lot-說清楚
MapQuest-像Google Map一樣用來查地圖和行車方向時間的網
super human-體力過人
pit stop-進修車站


2012-12-20 01:53:37 補充:
I’m assuming/ that’s if you’re super human and never need a pit stop,/ of course.
=Of course, I am assuming. (What is that you are assuming?) That is if you're .....
2012-12-20 6:06 am
這是曾經的時間最長的磁碟機。這真的不說一大堆,因為我從來沒有從我家鄉趕超過六十英里。不過,任何人的標準,由磁碟機還是荒謬長。據 MapQuest,這大約是三十七個小時十一分鐘長。我假設這如果你是超人類和從不當然需要一個坑站。

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