
2012-12-19 12:14 am
請問以下兩條問題有咩分別? 應該要點答?

In light of your current capabilities, your performance against past objectives, and your future erosional growth and/ or job aspiration please state at least 3 activities and tasks would you like to focus on during the next year.

What do you consider to be your most important aims and task in the next year?

回答 (3)

2012-12-19 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先這句其實有多處寫錯erosional growth???估是personal growth.主動詞開始…state…3…and tasks would you like…應該是…and tasks you would like to…因為這句不是問題句,而是命令句叫你列出和點出會做的項目或目標另一個寫錯是開頭 in light of your capabilities 這句,意思是「鑑於你的能力…等等」或「由於你的能力…等等」而不是我估他想講的「因應你的能力…等等」比較合理的用詞是:In considering your capabilities,…performance.., future…等等,請你state…明年會想做的3樣工作項目…
What do you consider to be your most important aims and task in the next year? 撇除不太理想的英文用詞句法,兩句的分別在於 第一句要求列出三樣你會想做的工作項目…還要按照你對自己能力和過去往職的實證,以及配合未來個人和職業發展的目標來支持這三樣東西。 第二句是要求「一件」你明年認為「最重要」的工作目標。
2012-12-19 5:33 am
The one starting with" In light of your..." is about a point of view to your next year challenge, which is based on the outlook of life. Briefly, the answer must be excepted by anyone. Make it official!

The other one starting with"What do you consider..." is about aims of yours based on your own opinion and appearance. Briefly ,it is asking about your opinion ,which means it can be objected because of differ of people.
2012-12-19 2:52 am
Between Putonghua And English Use 2013
Z Y X W T S R Q P O N M L K J H G F E D C B A 23=== ?
A B C D E F G I H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26

2012-12-18 18:53:41 補充:
參考: 23 Putonghua Idioma Of Usage In English Use 2013

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