點解唔洗加'the' ??????20分

2012-12-18 8:50 am
I am writing to complain about pollution on beaches in the southern part of Hong Kong Island.

1) pollution前面唔加the
2) beaches前面唔加the
3) Hong Kong Island係咪因為名所以唔洗加the




回答 (5)

2012-12-18 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
'the' 中文稱為「定冠詞」,一般用來告訴別人一些「指定」(specific) 的人、事、物。
不過,專有名詞前,例如名字,一般不加 "the",原因是沒有 'the' 都已經很清晰所指的人、事、物是甚麼。

因為 "Hong Kong Island" 是專有名詞,因此前面不用加 'the'。

"pollution' 在這裡是一般性名詞,並非特定指明是那些 pollution (not specific) 所以無需加 'the'。

"beaches" 的情況和 "pollution" 差不多,並非指明哪個海灘,因此也無需加 the.

2012-12-21 11:59 am
1). 因為你投訴的是海灘的污染問題,而非某一宗污染事例,並且上下文已清楚交待,所以pollution前不用加限定詞(determiners)。(在此「the」的作用為特指限定詞 / specific determiners)

2). beaches in the southern part of Hong Kong Island 可理解為the southern HK Island's beaches ,本身已是特指某幾個海灘,而「 in the southern part of Hong Kong Island 」屬於從屬限定短語 / phrasal possessive determiners,而名詞不能同時使用一個以上的特指限定詞,所以不用加「the」。

3). 地名除強調或特定指涉外,一般不加定冠詞。

2012-12-21 04:07:06 補充:
地名前有否定冠詞與單 / 複數無關,例如太平洋我們會稱為「the Pacific」。New Territories 前加定冠詞因其本身具有特定意思,無特指限定的話,意思是「新區」或「新的領地」,而加上定冠詞才表示指「新界」。
2012-12-19 12:06 pm
it is important for you to analyse the sentence structure 先要理解/分析句子結構:
complain about something 投訴某一事
1) something 某一事 = pollution on beaches 沙灘汚染 (一般/個事項)
e.g air pollution/ water pollution/ corruption 一般事項前不用 the
2)beaches = plural = more than one beach; refer to many beaches, not just one (眾數名詞前若非特指不用 the)
which beaches 哪些沙灘受汚染?
3) on the southern part of HK island 在港島南部
on.... HK Island = in Kowloon (地名不用 the; 除了眾數的in the New territories )

2012-12-18 10:54 pm
" THE "
Teaching Hongkonger's Ebase 23
Te chi ang Hong kong er se ba se
參考: Way In Learning Putonghua's Use 23
2012-12-18 9:05 am
---For the definite article "the", is used to refer to a thing in general rather than a particular example.Also used with adjectives to refer to a thing or a group of people described by the adjective.Now it has no adjective,hence no "the" and in general shortened term,hence "pollution on beaches".and "Hong kong Island."
Please don't write something exactly as it is written like myself here!Thanks !!!!!

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