a deep title for my novel? please help 10pts?

2012-12-18 7:08 am
okay so i asked a question before about what to name my novel, and i gave some names so that people would choose, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjYGNokiUQzbtj4lzmS_flXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121212024950AAsP3CX but most of the people said that the names i said are not deep and like that, so i thought that maybe somebody can help me? i don't know how to make the title deep and have a big meaning, and i definitly know that most people choose novels upon their names.

so this might be long but i'm going to tell you what the novel is about so that you can suggest names or teach me how to make a deep name for it:

so the novel is about a personal story, about a guy and a girl who meet each other and the become bestfriends. the girl falls for him, and he knows and they stay friends until he gets a girlriend.they keep fighting during the novel, sometimes they're bestfriends and sometimes they don't talk, until the guy likes the girl and she freaks out until he stops liking her. sometimes the guy is rude and mean but before the girl gets over him he becomes so nice and makes her fall back again. i believe that those two are soulmates, and meant to be together. the novel ends with them not speaking, like an open ending, because that's reality, it's not a happy-ever-after-ending-fairy-tale. i was also wondering if you have any suggestions for the cover.

回答 (5)

2012-12-18 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Unfulfilled - because they could fulfill each other but now isn't the right time for them.
Or you could call it Unrequited because they are never both in love at the same time.
2012-12-18 11:03 am
Here are a few :
Be mine, friend?
Lovely Silences
Crazy Heart, Crazy mind
Always the friend, never the one
2012-12-18 7:39 am
when i saw the intro, i straight away thought of "Monsoon", coz at sout east asia, rains comes suddenly , and stops suddenly, without any signal...
2012-12-18 7:33 am
How about Forever Unknown, or Forever Unfinished?
2012-12-18 7:16 am
How 'bout 'Best Friends,' with a picture of a couple at the alter, for the cover. Simple but intriguing, maybe.

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