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2012-12-18 4:24 am
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自然 :如果比詩人是一種植物,詩歌也許是這植物的花朵;如果比詩人是一種禽類,詩歌也許是這禽類的鳴叫。法國著名詩人雨果說:詩人的兩隻眼睛,其一注視著人類,其一注視著大自然。他的前一隻眼睛叫做觀察,後一隻眼睛稱為想像。德國詩人海涅幾乎用了同樣的話說:“一隻眼睛看著社會,一隻眼睛看著自然,這是我成功的秘密。”





回答 (2)

2012-12-18 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Time, this theme has been full of human beings a natural kind of mystique, the highest speculative philosophy and science, as well as the most imaginative and appealing poetic. Time the theme is more traditional themes of poetry. Poet through exploration of time, a reflection of the way to treat the world's attitude and cognitive things. In human memory and experience, regardless of time or still not lost time, but we only time is eternal, immortal poet thus in time immortal poetic narrative also enter immortality .

Natural: if more than a poet is a plant, the poetry is perhaps the flowers of this plant; poet is an avian, poetry is perhaps this birds chirping. The famous French poet Victor Hugo: the poet's eyes, one watching the human, one watching nature. Called observation, his one eye after an eye called imagination. The German poet Heinrich Heine almost the same as saying: "one eye looking at society, one eye looked natural, this is the secret of my success."

Traditional poetry, nature is just the emotional background of the poet or emotional ties. Write love, he will apple orchard or vineyard, mature love will mature fruit is implied.

In modern poetry, focusing on natural and poet emotional imagery posed a grass, and open the door to natural; Open poet emotional and deepen the understanding of the key can also be. The eyes of the poet, vegetation affectionate nature has a soul. Just part of the natural, is a grass, an insect, a butterfly brothers. May be a tacit understanding between man and nature, such as witches and prophets and natural dialogue. Perception of the nature of spirituality, mediocre preaching can become a poetic genius.

2012-12-17 20:28:32 補充:
Nature is the mother of humanity, is also a product of the human spirit - the mother of poetry. Every step of the development of poetry, there is a natural companion and promote, in this sense, is a natural achievements of the poet.

2012-12-18 21:56:10 補充:
The familiar concern and care for nature to absorb nutrients from nature inspire poetic development poetry writing, poet lifelong quest proposition.
2012-12-19 4:00 am
Time, this theme has been full of human beings a natural kind of mystique, the highest speculative philosophy and science, as well as the most imaginative and appealing poetic. Time the theme is more traditional themes of poetry. Poet through exploration of time, a reflection of the way to treat the world's attitude and cognitive things. In human memory and experience, regardless of time or still not lost time, but we only time is eternal, immortal poet thus in time immortal poetic narrative also enter immortality .

Natural: if more than a poet is a plant, the poetry is perhaps the flowers of this plant; poet is an avian, poetry is perhaps this birds chirping. The famous French poet Victor Hugo: the poet's eyes, one watching the human, one watching nature. Called observation, his one eye after an eye called imagination. The German poet Heinrich Heine almost the same as saying: "one eye looking at society, one eye looked natural, this is the secret of my success."

In modern poetry, focusing on natural and poet emotional imagery posed a grass, and open the door to natural; Open poet emotional and deepen the understanding of the key can also be. The eyes of the poet, vegetation affectionate nature has a soul. Just part of the natural, is a grass, an insect, a butterfly brothers. May be a tacit understanding between man and nature, such as witches and prophets and natural dialogue. Perception of the nature of spirituality, mediocre preaching can become a poetic genius.

Nature is the mother of humanity, is also a product of the human spirit - the mother of poetry. Every step of the development of poetry, there is a natural companion and promote, in this sense, is a natural achievements of the poet.
The familiar concern and care for nature to absorb nutrients from nature inspire poetic development poetry writing, poet lifelong quest proposition.

Will introduce twenty-three of time and natural poetry

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:29:59
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