What date would you choose for NO HATE DATE?

2012-12-16 10:42 pm
A day each year when we choose to BE KIND. A yearly event. A date against hate.

There is so much hate. It takes over at times on Horoscopes. Hate perpetuates hate?

I think 12-12 would be a good date. Easy to remember.

Thank you and good luck and bless you too.

Prayers for all in Sandy Hook.

回答 (6)

2012-12-16 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
November 8th? No8?

It only makes sense lol. Has to be marketable and not something attached to something still somewhat taboo like astrology and planet positions. No offense at all when I say that. Just trying to be logical.

2012-12-17 1:58 am
Everyday should be a No Hate Date!
參考: Life
2012-12-16 10:46 pm
lol umm maybe 1st jan each year..so its makes as a reminder from the beginning of the new year.
2012-12-16 10:49 pm
September 23 (or 24th depending on the year I guess) since its the beginning of the sun being in Libra, and we all know Libras are all about peace and to some extent, "No hate" ...

or perhaps some day with lots of Libra placements in the planets
2012-12-16 11:49 pm
I would choose my birthday because it's the start of the "Christmas season" sorta. December 1st. But that's already aids day .... lol so that's taken.

So, I'm gonna go with the middle of the year. July 2nd. I think smack dab in the year will remind people awhile after the holiday season.
2012-12-17 1:03 am
I like the sound of 12-12 (though, yes it's so far away). Maybe 4-4? A good idea on this site no matter what date is decided upon.

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