How to deal with hatred for sibling?

2012-12-16 12:32 pm
I hate my brother. I really do. Most of the time I try to avoid him, but when I'm left with no choice and have to face him, I just can't help hating him. He is everything I have ever hated. He is ignorant, he is stubborn, he has strong prejudice against atheists (which I am), he is hypocritical and faithless. I am quite aware I am describing a lot of people with these, but most people I know with these qualities are striving to improve and usually have redeeming qualities, something I can never quite find in my brother. Most people would tell me this is just normal sibling rivalry, but I'm not too sure if good o' sibling rivalry would get you so worked up you want to kill your brother. And I do not kid, I'm really considering ways to kill him. Knives, poison, or just a pillow, you name it, I've thought about it. It seems to me the only thing holding me back is the fact that I don't want to waste my life on his already useless one. So, can you help me?

回答 (7)

2012-12-16 12:41 pm
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ive thought the same about a lot of people. start kickboxing or karate or something to get your anger out, and the next time he comes against you cause him pain and warn him that if he dont stop being like he is you can cause him a lot more. i mean killing is a bit far fetched to actually carry out but if you can cause him pain maybe he will lay off. ive had a lot of prejudice because i am an athiest too but ive built up a physical barrier. keep going yep. and if you need any more help just contact me at [email protected] spam please any other people
參考: me...yes ive been through this too
2012-12-16 12:58 pm
I have a simple solution for you. I'm an only child, and I'd love to have a brother. Ship him to me. I'll pay all the shipping charges. Then you'll no longer have an annoying brother, and I'll no longer be an only child. It will be good for both of us.
2012-12-16 12:55 pm
Of course, identifying the underlying issues you have with a sibling is only part of the solution. What can you do to resolve an issue and avoid a future confrontation? Try taking the following six steps.
1. Agree to some ground rules. Look back at what you indicated caused conflict between you and your sibling. See if together you can work out some rules that you both agree on and that address the underlying issue. For example, if you clash over possessions, Rule 1 could be: “Always ask before taking an item that belongs to someone else.” Rule 2 could be: “Respect a sibling’s right to say, ‘No, you can’t use that item.’” When making these rules, think of Jesus’ command: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.” (Matthew 7:12) That way you will make rules that both you and your sibling can live by. Then check with your parents to make sure that they approve of your rules.—Ephesians 6:1.
2. Abide by the rules yourself. The apostle Paul wrote: “Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? You, the one preaching ‘Do not steal,’ do you steal?” (Romans 2:21) How can you apply that principle? If you want your sibling to respect your privacy, for instance, then you likewise need to knock before entering your sibling’s room or ask before reading his or her e-mails or text messages.
3. Don’t be quick to take offense. Why is that good advice? Because, as a Bible proverb states, “only fools get angry quickly and hold a grudge.” (Ecclesiastes 7:9, Contemporary English Version) If you are easily offended, your life will be miserable. Yes, your siblings will do or say things that upset you. But ask yourself, ‘Have I done something similar to them in the past?’ (Matthew 7:1-5) “When I was 13, I thought that I was too cool for everyone,” says Jenny, “and that my opinion was the most important and must be heard. My little sister is now going through a similar stage. So I try not to get upset over the things she says.”
4. Forgive and forget. Serious problems need to be discussed and resolved. But must you call your sibling to account for every mistake he or she makes? Jehovah God appreciates it when you are willing to “pass over transgression.” (Proverbs 19:11) Alison, 19, says: “My sister Rachel and I are usually able to resolve our differences. Both of us are quick to say that we are sorry and then explain what we think was the cause of the clash. Sometimes I’ll sleep on it before bringing up a problem. Often, the next morning it’s as if the slate is wiped clean, and I don’t even have to talk about it.”
5. Involve your parents as arbitrators. If you and your sibling can’t resolve an important issue, maybe your parents can help you make peace. (Romans 14:19) Remember, though, that the ability to resolve conflict without appealing to your parents is like a mile marker—it’s a measure of genuine maturity.
6. Appreciate your siblings’ good qualities. Your siblings likely have qualities that you admire. Write down one thing that you appreciate about each of your siblings.
2012-12-16 12:49 pm
I agree with the other person who said move out as soon as possible, to another state if you can. Don't know how old you are but you just sent your MO out to the whole world if something was to happen to him. What do your parents think of this problem?
2012-12-16 12:49 pm
Oh your looking for trouble you say your an athiest an athiest has no faith yet you call him faithless?? You are thinking of ways to kill him i think that you need professional help like serious psychotherapy medication then a priest. Im going to pray for you. A lot. Open your bible and look for or about killing to boot yours is premeditated. But then u dont want to waste yours on his and he is already useless. Oh my dear God in heaven the fifth commandment of God is Thou shalt not kill. Think about if someone hated you this much and had in mind of wanting to kill you? I wonder how you would feel?? One day you will see the light that people are what they are. You accept it or turn away. Thinking all these kind of thoughts will only bring you sorrow and dispair. Iam so sorry for you you heart is much too misguided. Find your way to some sort of kindnrss love and caring....its the only way out. May God have mercy on you.
2012-12-16 12:41 pm
Move out as soon as u can.. Avoid him completly until then unless you want to spend the rest of your life locked up.
2012-12-16 12:33 pm
oh siblings

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