澳洲移民 畢業後申請技術移民 please help

2012-12-17 6:43 am
我呢家係雪梨讀緊法律同商業(Comm/LLB) 2nd year
我知道2012年移民局改左政策 技術移民分數降低至60
我入大學之前考左ielts overall 8 但係speaking 7.5 (畢業前會再考)
未夠分申請 我想問有咩其他方面可以加分?
我呢家係一間international law firm實習緊

回答 (3)

2012-12-18 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你想立即申請移民你要睇番你而家做緊實習既LAW FIRM會唔會俾一個JOB OFFER你,有幾樣野你要留意
1. 一定要係大公司
2. 你既JOB OFFER同你既背景必相符
3. 佢要提供證明係澳洲搵唔到合適既人選
4. 佢俾你既SALARY要係合乎市價

如果間LAW FIRM符合上面既條件既話,你唔需要有所謂既60分,因為有JOB OFFER會係另一個途徑

1. 建議你先在港工作三年,因為三年以下的工作經驗沒有分數

2. 你既工作要同你既學歷相符,做番同法律相關既工作

3. CHECK番澳洲 OCCUPATION LIST,肯定你既工作係佢地既OCCUPATION LIST入面,最好係SOL1(有分SOL1&SOL2, SOL1為熱門工作,成功申請機會較高)


5. IELTS有效期為3年,但對部分省份黎講有效期只有2年,有心理準備要考


7. 識多種外語暫時未有加分
參考: 胡康邦移民顧問http://www.yimin-visa.com/tw/index.html
2012-12-18 12:57 am
The detail of the point test is as follow:


You have a lot of things you need to worry:

1. The Point test's passing score is 65, not 60.

2. Your IELTS needs to retake anyway - it only carry up to 3 years before you apply.

3. Unless to a profession interpreter level, your extra language does you no good.

4. Only actual employers can sponsor (and only if they are willing).

5. Without a license to practice law (solicitor or barrister) in Australia, you basically have no chance for approval.

Out of 65 points, you will get at least 50. You should see that document to see how you can make it to 65.

Also be aware that:

1. Currently, Australia is only accepting application by invitation only. So unless you have a EOI with Australia and receive an invitation, you won't be able to apply.

2. Australia is one of the few countries in the world that frequently changes immigration law. You have to be aware the change so that you can anticipate.
2012-12-17 8:59 pm

Workers Employer Sponsored Workers
For people with recognised skills seeking to work in Australia after being sponsored by an Australian or overseas employer.

Professionals and other Skilled Migrants
This program, also known as General Skilled Migration, is for people who are not sponsored by an employer but who have skills in particular occupations required in Australia.

Business People
For people to come to Australia for a business-related visit. Also for people to establish, manage or develop a new or existing business, or invest in Australia.

SkillSelect is an online system that enables skilled workers interested in migrating to Australia to record their details to be considered for a skilled visa through an Expression of Interest (EOI).

Temporary Work and Specialist Entry
A range of visas for people to participate in specific professional, cultural or social activities temporary work in Australia.

Doctors and Nurses
Information and visa options for doctors and nurses who want to work in Australia.

Regional Employment
Information about options available to encourage skilled migrants to live and work in areas outside of Australia's major cities.

Skills Australia Needs Events
Skills Australia Needs Events are designed to help meet the current skills shortages in Australia. They allow skilled workers to meet with employers and state and territory governments about employment and sponsorship opportunities in Australia.

Air and Sea Crew
Information about visas and entry requirements for air and sea crew coming to Australia.

Seasonal Worker Program
Information for people from East Timor, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu seeking to work in Australia under the Seasonal Worker Program.

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