There is a small fish in a sea. It heard people talking about water. It wanted to know what is water and embarked on a mission swimming the entire sea searching for water. Poor creature does not know that it is made of water, living in water, drinking water, breathing in water and existing because of water.
Answer is in the question (in the given anecdote of fish) itself.
Like Water to fish, God to human..HE is WHOM
we can't eat, drink, breathe, live.
"God/ Gods" are mistaken stories of extraterrestrials that were described as magical by our less intelligent ancestors and foolishly taken too seriously by some of our more recent less intelligent people. "God/ Gods" are not all powerful monsters that created everything, just stories of actual humanoid beings that visited earth and nothing more. If you wish to find whatever "God/ Gods" you mindlessly believe in, read a book and keep a closed mind.
In the hearts and minds of his true believers. You can start looking for him in your own.
A lot of people feel pretty free to give others directions. Personally, I would never presume to be able to articulate the thoughts or true nature of a supreme being, so you're on your own with that.