Every religion preaches God as the creator of universe, who is omniscient and omnipresent.?

2012-12-15 8:15 am
Then isn't the God of one religion present in the God of other religion ? A Christian calls water as water, a Muslim calls it Pani and a Hindu calls it Jal. Is there any difference in the substance they drink ?
Then why this confusion and conflict with just the language and the name ?

回答 (15)

2012-12-15 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes God is God, we all have the same destination but are traveling different paths. That doesn't mean one path is better than an other. We all have our understanding of what god is to us and again there is no right or wrong answer. Its about knowing the god within and as we are all individuals then that will be personal for each of us. Religion is not of God nor for God, it is of man to find God. The sad part is we search in places near and far without realising what it is we have within our 'self'
2012-12-15 8:29 am
Are you serious?
Do you suppose that you can wipe aside millennia of superficial, stupid ignorance and blind emotionally and egoically fueled beliefs with a single clear ray of logic?

Dear one, do you know what Omni- means?
If 'God' is Omni, then all that exists, ever, is 'God'!
We are All God!
All we perceive, every unique moment of existence, is God!
Every moment of existence is a unique moment of 'Self!' Knowledge!
Existence is a moment of (Divine) 'Self Knowledge'!!

"God cannot know himself without me." - Meister Eckhart

"The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same." - Meister Eckhart
2012-12-15 8:24 am
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is also the God of Muhammad. The different names for water are just different because of language, they are the same.
2012-12-15 12:00 pm
Things and matter remains the same you may call it whatsoever. As far as God is concerned He is one and only one. Its we who call Him with different names in different Religions. Religion are also one but we have different ways to believe in each relogion. The preachings of all the religions are the same. Thanks.
參考: ever feel
2012-12-15 11:18 am
I also dont know why do all fight in the name of God and why they are having competition among their religion.
God is one no doubt
and ur opinion is 100% correct
those who think God is diff and r still fighting in the name of religion are loving God superficially only.
2012-12-15 9:54 am
It is,indeed, a sweeping statement.
Full of craps !

As a Buddhist, we do not believe in the Almighty Creator God, we believe in goodness and we are exhorted not to harm or kill even an animal or an insect.
We believe in the laws of Karma - that good begets good and bad begets bad.
And we are enjoined to always adhere to the good : to abstain from killing,stealing, cheating, sexual misconduct, lying and taking alcohol and drugs.

We are training ourselves to reach a stage where we will do good just for the sake of doing good, not because of the fear of Hell or the anticipation of rewards.
We then do good because we delight in doing good and naturally inclined to be good.
In other words, we can't help but be good.

Goodness and us are one.

Why must you create confusion and conflict with your theories in the Philosophy forum ???

You get better responses from the R&S forum !
參考: One of the many speeches of Dalai Lama.
2016-12-13 10:15 pm
i did no longer get your query. God is all-powerful,omniscient, and omnipresent and what he has completed interior the historic previous is complicated and his intentions seems to be impossible or absurd. I study your query throughout this type. i understand one difficulty only. God created me. In his time and interior the placement and relatives he meant to be.that's my decision whether to elect him or the worldwide. the worldwide is greater captivating and a snicker than the different epoch of time. i'm in its midst. He created me with a healthful physique to appreciate the pleasures of sin. From this circumstances I could elect the circulate and christ. With faith I could stand against each and every and all of the powers of death that engulfs me from this worldwide with the aid of my flesh. With love I could stand for the Lord and proclaim my faith. With wish I could conquer each and every failure. eternal existence and eternal Crown and the throne is rewarded just to overcomers. there is not any confusion in that. God facilitates the only that loves victory.
2012-12-16 3:29 am
Not true. Many religions have multiple gods, none of whom are omnipotent. Many religions have corporeal gods, who are (by definition) not omnipresent.
2012-12-15 11:47 pm
Nameless is retarded. The truth is that people are ignorant. There is just as much evidence to prove that Vishnu is real as Christian God is real as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real. The Bible was written by a bunch of crackpots. Adam and Eve weren't real, Noah's Ark wasn't real, Jonah never got swallowed by a whale. The Bible defies logic, but Christians still attack other religions calling them fake.
2012-12-15 11:41 am
The crazy mindset.
2012-12-15 11:05 am
The great novelist and philosopher George Eliot sums up in her works "Theology is anthropology" that all religious statements about God are meaningless.We (Every religion) call God,eternal,omnipotent, because man should love to be all those things ourseves..What we aspire for ourselves we predicate of God .The man through religion dressed the God in the clothes the man - should like to order for self
參考: works of George Eliot
2012-12-15 10:46 am
Human beings are ruled by spirits. They always compete with each other to dominate the people in a higher level. As a result senseless people begin to act in a foolish way without realizing the truth.

I don't think that God is omnipresent. I am in every soul but I am not God.
2012-12-15 10:23 am
In a sense. Consider this. I take it you know at least several people. Each of those individuals know something about you. This is based on the extent that they are willing to get to know you. The same logic works for God; only God is a perfect being, and therefore incapable of lying or misrepresenting himself. All misinterpretation of Him is a subjective misunderstanding on the behalf of the beholder, but He's still the same God. Dig?
2012-12-15 9:40 am
Muslims never claim God to be 'OMNIPRESENT".
2012-12-15 9:04 am
You err. There are religions without god(s), and those that do not attempt to account for the origin of creation.
The theological differences between the various religions reflect the ideological differences of the cultures and the times from which they originate.
The rest is self explanatory.

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