Help me to chick the Grammar.

2012-12-15 10:54 pm
Can anyone help me to chick the Grammar mistake:
............When we know that the villages also held meetings and ceremonies there and the picture is really related to what I have said then we can know the place shown in the picture is an ancestral hall.

回答 (2)

2012-12-15 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
---Help me to check the Grammar:-
When we know that the villagers also held meetings and ceremonies there, and the picture (shown) is (closely) related (adj) to what I have (seen) , then we can know the place shown in the picture is an ancestral hall.
2012-12-16 6:11 pm
Can anyone help me to chick the Grammar mistake:
............When we said that there was a place where villagers had usually held meetings and ceremonies then that was really related to what I had found in the picture, was an ancestral hall.

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