People ask where is God ? me ! Can they really see God with their physical sense organ eye?

2012-12-14 12:25 pm

回答 (20)

2012-12-14 12:28 pm
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well..its not possb to see God to see with physical eyes.. how come u dnt ask wer s happiness nd sadness and ur memory.. these things cnt be seen but felt ..the same goes for God.. we.cnt see him but we cn definately feel him. :D
2012-12-14 12:39 pm
One can see God if he is provided with spiritual eyes, notions, thoughts by the God.

Aperson always use to ask me where is your God I want to see to believe that you are right and really God is there. I many times advised him that he can't see with material eyes for that he need spiritual eyes and that can be bestowed by God it self. He was never convinced and always asked the same question and humiliate me on this issue. One day he met with accident and broken his leg. He was much in pain. He told me that he has much pain inmy leg. I said but I cant see where it is. He said you rascal can't see my leg is broken and I am in much pain. I said Yes I can see your broken leg but not the pain. You know why coz pain is not material object and I cant you can't see the God as God is not material object. You can realize the God as you now realizing the pain. He said I am sorry I was mistaken about the existence of God. Yes God is there otherwise there were more than 100% chance of my death in the accident. So Tell the people God is not a material object you can't see him only you can realize Him if you have believe in Him. Thanks.
參考: ever feel
2012-12-14 12:33 pm
One cannot fully see the Lord.
One is part of God, thus in order to see God in his entirety, one must be able to see all existence; including one's self.

This means one would be unconscious; There would be no observer left if one becomes the observed; or if one becomes all existence, there would be no existence left to observe.

You can see part of God all around you; you just cannot realize God in his entirety.
2012-12-14 5:04 pm
People can't ask.
No one can see.
your existence is god.
2012-12-14 5:02 pm
If u are asking that one would have seen God originally by eyes I would say yes. As many evidences are there as well as many stories specially in hindu mythology.

However God is within and in everything
He is not a so spcl creature that wud look different
Where there is love n humanity there is God
n where there is not the God is awaiting to be discovered
He is there as a person or thing which has shown u love n life
which can be a face of ur family member, friends , teacher or whatever.
He is there.

A great poet Saint Kabir Das said
(its in Sanskrit)
Mouko kaha dhunde bande mai toh tere paas me
na me dewal na me masjit na kabe kailash me
na to kouno kriya karm me na hi jog beragya me
khoji hoe to turat milhi pal bhar ki taaalash me
2012-12-14 2:56 pm
That depends a lot on what your definition of God is.

If God is something unlikely like a loving, judgmental punishing vindictive oxymoron. You are unlikely to see it because it doesn't exist outside of religious mythology.
2012-12-14 12:45 pm
God is in the humans and people's good deeds and their humanity show the existence of God.
2012-12-14 12:35 pm
One can no more see god than one can see a unicorn, fairies, goblins and other mythical critters.

Perhaps they need a mythical eye to see god
2012-12-14 2:47 pm
Do you truly think that you only see with your eyes? The eyes don't see anything without the mind.
When I look at the universe I see the presence of a Creator, but the existence of my Creator is made most evident by my self-awareness. The universe could cease to exist tomorrow, but it would be my self-awareness that would inform me that it was gone.
What we see is dependent on how aware we are, with more awareness comes more understanding, with more understanding comes more knowledge, with more knowledge comes more wisdom, with more wisdom comes more truth, and with more truth comes more Love.

The mind will receive what the mind is ready for. If the mind isn't ready, then the mind will not receive.
When one is ready to receive more understanding, then one is ready to know.
"God" opens and enters the mind in order for the mind to experience the clarity of God and His creations, and also the creations of His creations.

One sees the presence of God when one experiences the presence of God.
2012-12-14 12:34 pm
People are blind!
2012-12-14 3:25 pm
People who ask for proof of God are ignorant. Who are they to question God?
2012-12-14 2:19 pm
Is it not strange to ask by majority of people about existence, shape, kind or image of God.? Where as only few people asks who I am, for what I am in this physical world, and what is the purpose of my life? I believe to know myself first and I am sure as soon as I shall get correct answer on the same moment I will see the God. Is it not simple?
2012-12-14 12:49 pm
You can't see a god because there is no evidence of a god and only a believer will tell you there is. Years of scientific evidence is stacked against the foolish notion of talking snakes and an invisible telepathic giant in the sky.
參考: Real evidence, not faith that counts for nothing.
2012-12-14 12:42 pm
i think its more like they were once taught as a child that there is a god, and therefore see things through 'there must be a god' glasses
2012-12-14 12:34 pm
I thought Jesus said not to test thy Lord. And God will be seen by his believers or people he wants to convert. Non-Christian here though
2012-12-14 12:57 pm
No, people cannot see God using there eye, but some people have seen him in Spirit. God is a Spirit and Jesus is a Spirit that means we must communicate with Him in Spirit.

John 1:18
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

John 4:24
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Send them these links:

That should answer you question :) I hope this helps
參考: My Bible Knowledge
2012-12-14 12:33 pm
God is the greatest being of all time we cant see him be he watches over us....There is proof but some people are too foolish not to realize
2016-10-18 11:29 am
a god isn't a guy. the two are distinctive beings. even with the indisputable fact that this is genuine that human beings have been created interior the image and likeness of divine beings interior the real actual fleshy human experience. in different words, people are hybrid beings, a made from flow-breeding.
2012-12-15 6:10 pm
Senses are not perfect to see perfect.
2012-12-15 11:50 am
You breathe air to live. Air is existing and all know it. Can you show me the physical evidence? God is seen by your intellectual sense like air.

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