
2012-12-14 9:38 am



回答 (10)

2012-12-14 2:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Perhaps we may meet on Christmas to have spicy hot pot together and to exchange presents.

"可以" 最好用 may, can 是用在有沒有能力時. 確定有能力做但不知道會不會做要用 may.

見面 然後才一起吃麻辣鍋, 交換禮物, 所以用meet 當主動詞, have 與 exchange 用不定詞片語比較好, 當然, meet, have, exchange 都當主動詞再用 and 連接在文法上絕對正確.
參考: myself
2012-12-15 3:58 am
Jedi +1. It's definitely a (super) spicy hot pot.
2012-12-14 9:32 pm
Perhaps we could meet Christmas, eating hot pot, you can also exchange gifts.
2012-12-14 4:58 pm
Christmas是節日,沒人在說 "at" 或 "on" Christmas.

要麼說"on Christmas day"或是"during Christmas break/holidays"
2012-12-14 4:03 pm

Maybe we could get together at Christmas to

have the spicy chafing dish, and to exchange the gifts also.

2012-12-14 09:12:35 補充:


Maybe we could get together during Christmas holidays to have the spicy chafing dish, and

to exchange the gifts also.

2012-12-14 09:16:36 補充:
Dear Master Huevos,

Thx a lot for your advice! ^_^
參考: 文字機械人
2012-12-14 2:36 pm
How about we hang out on Christmas day. We can have spicy hot pot together and exchange gifts?

我是用建議的語氣 所以使用了 "how about....?"

但如果只是想說 "或許..." 你可以說
Probably we can hang out on Christmas day. We can have spicy hot pot together and exchange gifts.
參考: 9 year experience from overseas study & work
2012-12-14 12:23 pm
We could get together for Xmas to ...
2012-12-14 10:01 am
Perhaps we can see each other on Christmas, have spicy hot pot together, and
exchange gifts.
參考: Proper North American English
2012-12-14 9:48 am
Perhaps we could meet at Christmas, eating spicy hot pot together, you can also exchange gifts.
參考: google翻譯XD
2012-12-14 9:47 am
Maybe we can meet on Christmas, having a spicy chafing dish together and exchange gifts.
參考: me

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