翻譯中文 為英文

2012-12-14 5:36 am
嗨 不要緊 沒關係 很謝謝你這麼重視你給我的約定

我心存感謝 若真的沒有 別在意 只要是你寄給我的 我一定都會喜歡

真的喔 ~

對不起 最近很忙 沒有來看信箱  所以回覆你有點晚了 很謝謝你這麼重視你給我的約定 我心存感謝 找不到 "mole" postcard  別在意 只要是你寄給我的 我一定都會喜歡 真的喔 ~ 不用刻意去找"mole" postcard  了啦 你的心意我心領了   麻煩請幫我翻譯[補充內容]裡的 這才是我想要翻譯的內容

回答 (2)

2012-12-14 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry to reply your e-mail late. I have not checked my e-mail for a while, because I was very busy lately.

I appreciate that you pay attention to our convention.

You do not need to spend more time to find the "mole postcard".

I will like the postcard you send to me, no matter which kind post card it is.

It is true. Don't spend more time to find the "mole postcard". I understand your mind and appreciate it very much.
2012-12-14 9:54 pm
Hey never mind never mind thank you for the attention you give me so much of the agreed
I thank if you really didn't care as long as you send me I will like
Oh really ~
Sorry very busy recently did not mail back to you a little late
Thank you for the attention you give me so much of the agreed
I have not found thanks to "mole" postcard don't care as long as you send me I will like
Oh really ~Do not deliberately go to find "mole" postcard that you have in mind I understand  

Hey never mind never mind thank you for the attention you give me so much of the agreed
I thank if you really didn't care as long as you send me I will like
Oh really ~
Sorry very busy recently did not mail back to you a little late
Thank you for the attention you give me so much of the agreed
I have not found thanks to "mole" postcard don't care as long as you send me I will like
Oh really ~Do not deliberately go to find "mole" postcard that you have in mind I understand

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