Should i watch The Hobbit in 2D or 3D?

2012-12-12 2:22 pm
I'm afraid that is a convert 3D or the effect isn't worth to be watched in 3D :|
so 2D or 3D would be better?

回答 (9)

2012-12-12 2:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It''s possible that the 3d will be tacked on but considering this is Peter Jackson we're talking about it will be amazing.
He can do no wrong.

If you've got glasses I'd recommend 2d.
2012-12-13 12:30 am
3D will be better.
2012-12-12 11:11 pm
This movie is the first to be shown with 3D 48fps. Why alter the history and you won't be believe the depth with that as it will be so consistent and vivid......
2012-12-12 10:57 pm
It was NOT converted. They shot the movie using 3d cameras.
2012-12-12 9:49 pm
HFR 3D is how it is meant to be seen.
2012-12-12 5:29 pm
3D would be the best, if fundage allows.
2012-12-12 2:23 pm
2D will be cheaper.
But 3D will still probably be cooler.
I'm going for 2D.
2012-12-12 2:23 pm
3D 48fps. Do it.
2012-12-12 2:24 pm
3d..its meant to be in 3d

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