fall in love

2012-12-12 2:19 am
why only after sedcondary school can fall in love???

回答 (1)

2012-12-12 1:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
um.... this is all about the culture, i am now studying in UK, many of my friends have boyfriends...
the Main reason is because of the Chinese culture : study hard, otherwise you wont have success.

Well, in my opinion, i think only working hard wont lead you to success, you also need a right way (e.g. study--> hard work + study skills)

BUT!! many of the adults want their children to become successful, they think that dating will lead to bad results(at school / public exam). Which i disagree. Yet, 1 true thing that ppl think teenagers shouldnt fall in love as they are immature. well... i think it depends of different teens.
Hope i can help you :)

2012-12-12 05:33:48 補充:
( adults think that when u got to University, you dont have any more public exams.... <-- which actually in Universities, you still have a lot of tests )
參考: myself :), myself :)

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