想翻譯成英文 (求簡短) 謝謝 URGENT!!

2012-12-12 1:37 am
此石雕大約在1977年文化大革命解放後時鑄造而成, 由29匹駿馬組成, 喻意:

象征著團結所形成的無限力量, 奔向一個共同目標前進之意思.

回答 (4)

2012-12-13 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案

The stone sculpture*, combined* by the statues* of 29 fine horses, had been carved around* 1977, just after the end of the Cultural Revolution*. The moral* for the sculpture is to signify* the unlimited power* resulted from* people's solidarity* and they are advancing on* a common goal*.

sculpture:雕塑作品(包括雕像)。combine(combined):組合、結合。statue(statues):雕像(即人、動物等的雕像)。fine:優秀的。carve(carved)around:carve:雕刻。around:大約。Cultural Revolution:文化大革命(全稱:無產階級文化大革命)。moral:寓(喻)意。signify:象徵。unlimited power:無限的力量("unlimited" 也可用意近的 "infinite" 來替代,但個人認為 "unlimited" 會較能表達「無限」這意思)。result(resulted)from:產生自。solidarity:團結、團結一致。advance(advancing)on:向前走("advance on" 也可用意近的 "approach"(意指接近、靠近)來替代,但因 "advance on" 有向前走的意思,而 "on" 有朝、向的意思,個人認為 "advance on" 較為切合「奔向」的意思(「奔向」的「奔」意指直往、趨向))。common goal:共同的目標("goal" 原也可用意近 "target" 來替代,但為免和 "target" 另外的指標的意思混淆,所以個人不建議這樣替代)。


2012-12-21 19:41:11 補充:
對不起,因自己搞錯了,我回答裡的英譯的 "combined by" 實際是打錯了,現更正為 "consists of"(「由...構成」之意)。請留意,並更正後的為準。

(就我看來,"consists of" 是 "combined by" 來得正確的)
參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-12-13 1:16 am
This stone in 1977, when the liberation of cast from the cultural revolution, is made up of 29 horse, Yu Yi:Symbol of unlimited power in the formation of the solidarity, towards a common goal.
2012-12-12 3:24 am
This stone in 1977, when the liberation of cast from the cultural revolution, is made up of 29 horse, Yu Yi:

Symbol of unlimited power in the formation of the solidarity, towards a common goal.

2012-12-12 2:07 am
This stone sculptures cast from about the Cultural Revolution after the liberation in 1977 from 29 fine horses, metaphorical:

A symbol of unity and the formation of infinite power, meaning toward a common goal.

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