英國升學問題 + GCE 問題 (urgent)

2012-12-11 10:37 pm
I am f5 now, I have some questions regarding gce a-level:

1. If I want to study pure science in the UK (especially those top tier universities), which subjects should I take?
phy,chem,bio,core math or phy,chem,core math and further math?
Which combination is more advantageous?

2. Do I need to take all 6 units for each phy/chem/bio, 4 units for core math and 3 units for further math?

3. The exam period is May/June 2013. Do I need to take all the units during that period, or is it possible to take some of them in 2014 after the HKDSE? Will it be too late if I take the exam at that time?

4. Is it possible to apply for universities in the UK using the results of HKDSE? When should I apply? In the beginning of f6 or when?

thank you

回答 (1)

2012-12-12 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. If I want to study pure science in the UK (especially those top tier universities), which subjects should I take?
phy,chem,bio,core math or phy,chem,core math and further math?
Which combination is more advantageous?

>> 睇下你係想讀邊一個pure science 巴, 我自己就係英國大學讀chem, 係gce 果時就讀phy, chem, bio, maths, 到a2 就drop 左bio. 但上到大學發現, 原來chem 同phy 係gce 有讀過f. maths 會比較好. 所以如果你個pure science 係phy 既話, 可以揀phy, chem, maths, f. maths, 如果係bio 既話可以揀phy, chem, bio, maths, 而如果係chem 既話, 因為chem有分medicinal chem 同普通chem, 如果係medicinal chem 既話, phy, chem, bio, maths 就可以, 而如果係normal chem, 既話, 可以唔駛bio, 但就最好有f. maths.

2. Do I need to take all 6 units for each phy/chem/bio, 4 units for core math and 3 units for further math?

>> 一個gce a-level 要考6份paper, 所以如果你係成個gce phy chem bio 既話, 咁就6個unit, 而maths 既話, 都要考6個unit, 入面一定要有4個core maths 同埋2個other, 如S1 - S2, M1 - M2 ...等等, 而f. maths 既話, 就要多考6個unit.

3. The exam period is May/June 2013. Do I need to take all the units during that period, or is it possible to take some of them in 2014 after the HKDSE? Will it be too late if I take the exam at that time?

>> 可以的, 冇問題, as long as 你係入大學前已經考完哂所有試, 同時, 係apply 大學果時已經有as 既成績, 就可以了.

4. Is it possible to apply for universities in the UK using the results of HKDSE? When should I apply? In the beginning of f6 or when?

>> 可以, uk 大學接受dse 成績, 而你應該係係f.6 既果個9月開始apply.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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