1.我見到copper 的half equation 系electrochemical series 系低過 sulpuric acid 的half -equation. 姐系話copper 喜歡電子的程度比SO2 大, 既然如此, sulpuric acid 應該搶唔到copper 的 電子 , 0甘點解copper 可以同concentrated sulphuric acid react??
呢個情況好似iron 同唔到zinc sulphate solution react 一樣0甘, so why 會有reaction??
2. 我唔系好明daniell cell 的運作...書話d excess Zn2+ ions 會move out of the pot ,
0甘姐系咪會去左copper (ll) sulphate solution, 姐系出面過度?? 同樣地, excess sulphate ions S04 2- move into the pot, 0甘姐系咪會去左zinc sulphate solution, 姐系入面過度?? 如果唔系, d excess ions 會走去邊度??
唔該曬!!! 萬分感激 答得好送點
還有, 點解copper 同silver 放入去dilute sulphuric acid, connecting by an external wire 有 voltmeter reading??? copper 系lower than hydrogen in electrochemical series , 點解會有reaction ?? the reation given : Cu+2H+----> Cu2+ + H2 好似copper 唔同 dilute hydrochloric acid react....??